Working With Anxiety In Children : Childcare Assignment


The anxiety is the most common issue that the modern day children are facing in current times as we can see in Childcare Assignment. The purpose of this study is to understand the sources of the anxiety and the probable treatments for the problem. “All work and no play” this is the most common issue of today’s children. However, anxiety in Childcare Assignment can happen because of separation, worries, something wrong happening in the study and also getting a lower score in the examination. According to Baxter (2011), separation anxiety is the main problem that children’s are facing nowadays. The main reason behind this is the growing number of the nuclear family.

Childcare Assignment

1. Sources of Anxiety

According to Wolfe and McKee (2014), now a day’s anxiety is the most common problems of today’s children. Anxiety is the issue that everyone has experience time to time in Childcare Assignment. There are various sources of anxiety. Those are:

  • Fear of examination
  • Separation anxiety
  • Social fear, anxiety
  • Managing the children feeling anxiety.

This is the most common problem that is faced by the children. Children’s are afraid about their study and parents always pressurize the children for their homework and better score in the examination. Children depression reason depends upon some issues. This issue is related to their study life. Sometimes teachers are creating problems and due to an overburden of their student children got fired. Sometimes this fear problem affects children’s brains. Now a day’s marks pressure is also a big problem for children.

The Business structure of the board has also given burden in this modern generation. During the presence scenario of education system children’s are affecting. Australian assignment help and education system is very good, but some problems are found on their children. Sometimes children are getting fearful to give their test and marks criteria of the board also create a problem (Guthmann et al. 2010). Parents are forcing on their child for getting good results in examination and for that reason children are getting fearful.

Sometimes, if the children not got any good marks on board that time parents are getting fired on their children and this creates anxiety problems (Bell and Merrick, 2010). As a result the, anxiety creates a stressed on the child’s performance. Sometimes, parents thought that it is necessary to get the good score in the examination, but sometimes parents forget that kids need to be kids (Raeissi et al. 2011). Childcare Assignment sometimes want to be relaxed and want to play, but unluckily parents are only tensed about their Case study Help that creates a problem on children’s brain. Parents forgot the things that sometimes fun activities give children’s more success. Children’s sometimes develop their fear about small things that is also the reason of anxiety.

2. Effects of Anxiety

The effects of the child’s anxiety are based on different kind of fearful organisation behavior of children (White, 2014). Sometimes Childcare Assignment thinks about the situation that is related to their past problem is another problem of their nervousness. Thinking about the past situation that is correlated with nervousness and that makes children tensed. Now a days the most common problem of children’s anxiety is parents are tensed about their study, according to that parent continuously pressurize them for that. For that reason children’s are getting far on this (Bell and Merrick, 2010).

This anxiety disorder problem is the most common mental health issues of every child. Children’s nervousness problem stops them for participating in school activities and social activities. This problem interferes with their ability to perform something that other classmates of the children’s can easily do. However, the main common problem of the children for refuses to go the school (Crow et al. 2011).

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This anxiety of children creates problems in child’s life. They are always nervous about their all activities and for that reason they cannot perform well. This issue harms on their life and create problems on their career. Depression in some parental issue is a reason of child anxiety. When the children saw some parental issue that time they afraid about that, for that reason children don’t want to mix out with someone.

Children’s are sometimes tense about their homework pressure and teacher’s behaviour is also the reason for that (Esfahani et al. n.d). Alternatively, children sometimes worry about the things which are happening in their home, for that reason they feel that they are not safe at home.  This anxiety creates a problem in their brain, for that reason they cannot focus on their studies and it harms their thinking also. Anxiety issues affect the whole family if any children have this problem (Guthmann et al. 2010).

In this case study, the Childcare Assignment who are suffering from this problem, they don’t want to go outside from home and that reason this can affect their relation and growth. This anxiety problem stops children make friends and mix out with anyone. Children who are suffering this nervousness problem they cannot perform at their school. Family problem is the other reason of this. Sometimes family members if doing anything wrong beside the children that time that Organisational behavior creates a fear on children’s eye, for that reason they cannot concentrate on their studies and not want to mix out with anyone (Malhotra et al. 2014).

3. Treatment

According to Nathwani et al. (2014) there are several issues are found in the children’s nervousness problem. The treatments for facing this anxiety problem area:

Parents need to encourage the children for facing their fear (Raeissi et al. 2011). However, anxiety is the problem that today’s children are facing, for removing their fear parents need to reduce their child’s stress and need to make daily routine for their child. This is difficult for any children to face their fear. The important thing is to listening, children’s fear issue and according to that give support to the children for fighting with fear (White, 2014). Need to work with the children and come up with fears this helps to understand the fear of the child.

Focus on the positive things of the children, many times nervous and pressurized children lost their negative thoughts (Baxter, 2011). The most important thing is, parents need to focus on their child positive quality of work and good situation. This situation helps parents to know about their positive work quality and according to that parents can treatment on their anxiety issues.

Children’s sometimes want to be relaxed and want to play; in this case parents need to give time to their child for fun activities. This may include with engaging in recreation a game (Crow et al. 2011).

Sometimes a child will learn what we do.  So, in this case, parents need to take care about their own behaviour and need to schedule the time for the children (Guthmann et al. 2010). Children’s are learning so many things from their children, so when parents want to think about their child’s emotional happiness that time parents need to think about owning.

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Reward children for their courageous behaviour this is the other important part of the treatment of their anxiety (Wolfe and McKee, 2014). If any child’s face fear that time parents need to praise their children for anxiety problem. This reward system helps children to grow out of their nervousness issue. For parents that need to give their children continuous encouragement for out of their nervousness problem.

Many of children’s sometimes worried about some work what they want to do. In this case parents need to continuous focus on their work activity and according to that they need to encourage their child for breaking their anxiety issue. Reward system helps children in engaging with their work and solves the anxiety issues (Guthmann et al. 2010).

Helping children in problem solving is solving the children problems that they are facing. Parents need to listen the problem of their child first and according to that they need to solve their problem. This does not mean that all problems parents need to solve. This means, helping children to solve their problem and give a potential solution to identify the problem and according to that solve this (Raeissi et al. 2011).

Parents need to help their children continuing in solving their problem. Now days many children are suffering some problems, in this case they cannot understand their problem and solve this. In this case, parents need to talk with their children and according to that they need to teach their Childcare Assignment how to solve the problem according to the situation (Nathwani et al. 2014).

4. Advantages and Limitations

There are several advantages and limitation is found in children anxiety treatment (Esfahani et al. n.d). Child anxiety is the most common problem and according to that, some treatment are finding. According to the basis of this there is lots of advantage and disadvantages are found in this treatment.

Encouraging the children is the most important treatment of child anxiety (Raeissi et al. 2011). Sometimes parents need to encourage their children for their performance of their work. This creates lots of advantages for performing well, but in other case there are some limitation is finding in this. Currently, the most important issue found that, most of the children spending their time with TV or computer. According to that they learn so many things from there. Sometimes they learn negative things from TV. In this case parents need to guide their children properly and also need to follow their regular activity.

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Focus on the positive things of the child’s advantage is to focus on the children’s positive behaviour, this helps to know about the child’s behavior (Bell and Merrick, 2010). Parents need to focus on their child positive quality of work and a good situation. In this case, sometimes there are disadvantages also found. From the parent site, it’s not possible to always follow the positive things about a child. Now a day’s parents do not focus all time their child’s behaviour, sometimes children show positive behaviour to their children but they are not positive that time (Nathwani et al. 2014). So, in this case, there is lots of advantage and disadvantages are as follows.

Relaxation is the best treatment for children (Guthmann et al. 2011). This relaxation function is good for mental health that helps to learn good things. Relaxation process gives a child to think more positively. In this case, this function helps to solve the issues and for that, the behavior of the child has improved immensely. Tension can affect the children’s performance, so relaxation is needed for all children (Guthmann et al. 2010). The disadvantages of this relaxation function are, sometimes children get lazy at the leisure and they don’t want to concentrate on their studies too.

Helping children in solving their problem in this case child learn how to find the issue and also how to solve the problem according to the situation.  The disadvantage of this function is, in this case, child know the techniques for solving the problems. The disadvantage of this problem solving is, sometimes children are dependent on their parents for solving any problem.  In this case, need to give proper guidance to the children for solving their problem (Crow et al. 2011).

Child anxiety is the most common problem in today’s generation. There is a lot of disadvantages are found on this issue. Now a day, children are facing several problems in their school, but they cannot say their problem to their parents. On the other hand, some parental issues in the home are the other reason for their anxiety (Baxter, 2011).


Children’s anxiety is the most common and early rising condition that is linked to growth and psychosocial problems. This anxiety is normal but this is highly biased with the emotion of a human. This study examines the child’s emotion and for that child is facing so many problems. This broad study based on some development of children and also helps to find some treatment according to that. This study helps to bring hoping and assisting to their parents who are suffering from this this anxiety disorder problem.

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