Instructions to students: This is an individual assignment.
Weighting: 50 %
Length: 1000 words
NRS71003 Health Assessment
The purpose of this essay is to assist you to develop the skill of identifying and prioritising patient issues. You will learn Aseptic non-Touch Technique and how to apply it to patient care.
You are to read the case study (below) then write an essay incorporating the following elements:
– Identify three (3) main issues for Mr Brown in order of priority, and provide a rationale as to why you chose them and prioritised them the way you have
– Discuss Aseptic non-Touch Technique in relation to Mr Brown’s venous ulcer
– Outline your approach to Mr Browns care based on the health history he has given you, with a focus on the following three (3) aspects
o Nutrition
o Family
You are required to structure your assignment with these headings. Please provide a reference list on a separate page.
Recommended structure: (approximate word for each section)
Introduction 100 words
– Introduce the case study.
– Incorporate the identification and rationalisation of three (3) patient health issues from the case study.
Please note: the 3 main issues are not intended to include BMI, nutrition
or family.
Aseptic non-Touch Technique (ANTT) 350 words
– Provide an overview of the technique
o What is Aseptic non-Touch Technique (in your own words)
– Describe the relevance of the technique to the patient’s venous ulcer.
– (include 2 references)
Approach to the patients care 450 words
– Provide an overview, of the patients care, incorporating your three (3) identified health issues and how they relate, with particular focus on BMI, nutrition and family context.
– (include 3 references)
Conclusion 100 words
– Summarise the main points (without introducing anything new)
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In this assessment please integrate 5 (minimum) scholarly references from the academic literature to support your ideas.
All referencing is to be in APA 6 th format. Here is a link to the referencing guide where you can find resources and guides to help.
Case study: NRS71003 Health Assessment-Southern Cross University Australia
Mr Bob Brown, presented to the Accident and Emergency Room after falling. He has sustained a fracture to his right (R) patella. He is unable to weight bear on his right leg due to pain. He has further caused damage to an existing ulcer on his left leg when he fell. Mr Brown has been triaged and his vital signs have been taken (no major issues with the vital signs) and documented. You are his nurse and have completed his health history. Mr Brown has relayed the following information:
Patient Details:
Name: Bob Brown
Age: 63
Gender: Male
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 125kg
Type II Diabetes Mellitus
Poorly controlled HbA1c has been 10-12 for past year Hypertension
Elevated Cholesterol Venous ulcer left lower leg requiring regular wound care
Family History:
Father died at 65 from Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI). Mother lives next door and requires assistance with Activities of Daily Living (ADLs)
Antihypertensive (combination drug)
perindopril arginine 5mg, indapamide 1.25mg: 1 tablet once daily
Atorvastatin: 80 mg once daily
Hypoglycaemic agents
Metformin: 500mg BD
Lantus 100units/ml: 60 units once daily
- Sedentary lifestyle.
- Works long hours in Information Technology (IT)
- Divorced no children
- Recently quit smoking
- Has up to a dozen beers at the pub on weekends while watching the football on the television
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