Liberalism and Abortion – Act of Abortion in Australia

Question For Healthcare Assignment (Liberalism and Abortion): You will need to discuss whether from a liberal perspective abortion should be legal or could be made illegal.


This particular Healthcare Assignment explores through different aspects related to the undertaking of abortion. The thesis statement of this specific Healthcare Assignment is to find out from a liberal point of view whether abortion should be made legal in Australia.

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An act of Abortion in Australia

As Rankin (2011) opines in his work, abortion is a subject to state legislation rather than union legislation in context to Australian law. Hence, it is to be noted that different states have different laws in regards to the permission for an abortion. Australian legal provisions do not comprise any strict law in regards to abortion. The only crucial aspect that the Australian legislature adheres to is the safety and protection of the life and health of the potential mother (Duxbury & Ward, 2000). Thus, it is made legal in each of the states even though every state differs in their opinion and definition regarding the definition of abortion and its necessity.

Justification of making abortion legal in Australia (from a liberal perspective)

As Alstin (2011) points out in his article, most of the Australians hold a liberal perspective in context to the procedure of abortion. He moves on to add that since pregnancy and conceiving refer to a huge responsibility on the concerned women, therefore the legislation, as well as the population, need to be liberal on this particular issue, thereby giving the women the right to decide whether they want to conceive or not. In fact in accordance to the research referred to by The Sydney Morning Herald more than 55% of the Australian population agree that women require having the right to abortion when they want (support, 2009). On the contrary, around one-third of the respondents’ population opines that the Australian legislation needs to provide the right to abortion to women only under necessary circumstances. However, less than 5% of the population totally negates the significance of providing abortion rights to women or making it legal in Australia (Rankin, 2003).

As we are saying in this Health care Assignment, It is found that most of the Australian states, especially the ones like Queensland and Brisbane have a liberal approach towards the legalization of abortion. Researches done by Bird, S., & others (2006) indicate that there is no suitable provision or statute under the Australian law, which prevents a woman from undergoing through the process of abortion without the approval of her sexual partner. Moreover, the Victorian legislation modifies the laws related to abortion in the year 2008 with the help of Victorian Law Reform Commission. Similar cases are detected South Australia and South Wales (Parker, 2013).  Although the sexual partner does have certain rights over the child however, it is the health of the women which needs to be focused on specifically before deciding the on whether to give birth to the child. In fact, in this modern era, it is found that people do focus on the pregnant women’s health.

As Ferdinands (2012) suggest in his work, every woman should get the liberty to decide whether she wants to bear the child. It is found many times  that women tend to terminate their pregnancy since they do not want to get de-focused or that their pregnancy can adversely affect their rate of prosperity in their professional field. Many women also tend to abort as they feel they are not prepared enough to take the responsibility of a child (Castan & Gerber, 2012). In both the cases, thus, the women need to have the liberty to decide whether to terminate their pregnancy. Since the women’s health stand out as a crucial issue in this scenario, therefore they need to have the choice of abortion. The woman’s life cannot be put to risk for a unborn baby. Moreover, as Rankin (2011) reveals that mental health of the woman also needs to be adhered to since in this case, an unwanted pregnancy may prove injurious to the health of not only the herself but also of the unborn baby.,

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Modern researchers like Parker (2013) point out that except in Western Australia, even the minors do not need the permission of their parents or need to notify them in order to go through the abortion procedure. Hence, it becomes obvious that it is better to legalize the procedure of abortion. Nonetheless, certain critics such as Castan & Gerber (2012) negate the necessity of legalization of abortion in Australia, thereby arguing that in case abortion becomes openly acceptable or legalized in Australia, then the population may involve into unsafe sexual intimacy widely. Moreover, they even move on to add that in accordance to medical professionals, minors do not attain an overall physical development because of which they are advised often not to indulge into sexual intercourses, which lead to untimely and unplanned pregnancy  (Alstin, 2011). At this point, undergoing an abortion can prove injurious to their health undoubtedly.

Having highlighted it is important to remember that one cannot negate the health or the liberty of the women because of which the Australian law need legalize the termination of pregnancy. Nonetheless, it is with the help of the National Health Council and its medical professionals that the national legislation body can lay down the maximum frequency and the crucial circumstances of undergoing abortion, in regards to the protection of their health (Rankin, 2001).

Apart from this perspective, as Tinkler & Boys (2004) reveal in their work that abortion often becomes a vulnerable religious issue because of which; it becomes difficult for its legalization. For instance, it is found that Catholics are much liberal in context to the procedure of abortion in comparison to Pentecostals and Baptists. Thus, it becomes important for people to be liberalized much more, thereby handling this issue not from any other aspect but from the pro-choice perspective.


On the completion of this Health Assignment, it can be concluded that, from a liberal point of view, abortion needs to be legalized in Australia, thereby providing the women with the right and liberty to terminate their pregnancy in accordance to their will. However, the Australian legislation in regards to the recommendations of the National Health Council also needs to put forward the maximum number of times a woman can undergo an abortion, keeping in mind their health Issues Help and future scope for conceiving.

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