Facilitate responsible behaviour : Model Answer On Case Study Help Australia

Topic : Facilitate responsible behaviour : Model Answer On Case Study Help Australia


The present assignment is an attempt to understand the adequate responsible organisation behaviour in an organisation that needs to be imparted to its employees by answering the questions that have been posed according to the case study. For understanding the facilitation of responsible behaviour, a short description of the Case Study Help Australia is provided along with the most applicable answers that could be provided to each of the questions posed, with the help of tasks provided for each question. A suitable conclusion would provide an understanding of how it was handled and what results have been achieved.

Case Study Help Australia

Case Study:

In ABC Hospital, Casey is appointed in the sterilizing department as a full time employee for 5 years now. She has good track records, is reliable and is often found assisting the supervisor in training new staffs. But, Casey is upset about the supervisor Sally training a new employee today and thinks that she is not competent enough, in defence starts hurling abuses at other employees and starts to misbehave at work. On the other hand, Sally is the supervisor and really likes Casey for the kind of responsible and good work performance Casey shows. Sally tries to train the new employee, because she was Casey to take some rest, as she rightfully needs. But, when Sally finds Casey misbehaving with the colleagues at work, Sally decides she would talk the matter with Casey without further delay.

Task 1:  Conflict Management

I would have analysed the symptoms of the conflict that could be observed in Case Study Help Australia of Casey. I would have either had a quiet word with Casey, asking her what the possible reason behind her rather unusual behaviour was. I would have also provided her with the company guidance procedures that she can deal with the grievances in a more professional manner (Barclay and Barclay, 2011).

The first thing that would be done by me, would be, to ask her if there was a communication gap or misunderstanding that occurred between her and the supervisor. I would also ask Casey that, if possible, she should have a word with Sally, her supervisor and discuss the actual matter before coming to any conclusion. It is imperative that there is a healthy and open discussion happening between the employees and the managers at a regular interval, where doubts are clarified (Disley et al., 2009).

Task 2: Behavioural background check of Casey

Most of the employers use social media and search engines to find out information about their current and prospective employees. In Casey’s Case Study Help Australia, her profiles on Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn could be checked to find out what is the usual pattern of behaviour Casey is mostly found adapting to. One other means could be studying the file where Casey’s detailed background information technology is recorded and understanding the kind of personality traits that Casey bears. Moreover, I would have to find out the trend of behaviour Casey has been showcasing for her period of employment in this ABC Hospital, if the current behaviour was a pattern with her or this was an unusual happening recorded from Casey. It is also required to check if Sally has a record to using the employees for some organizational benefits for some time and then dumps them at certain points (Robbins, Judge and Campbell, 2010).

Task 3: Organisational behaviour, policies and procedures

Our organization takes care that the the personal aspects of the lives of our employees are known by the managers and supervisors. This does not; however mean that we are prying into the deepest and darkest secrets of an employee’s life. It is more about understanding the basic joys and sorrows of the lives of the employees and how a supervisor can subtly help in enhancing a better working atmosphere for the employee (Rhodes and Lansky, 2013).

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We strictly do not allow an uncaring manager to take responsibility in our organization. We believe that leaders who show a poor understanding, compassion, and empathy present very poor skills of management. We do not entertain such people to lead our organization. Leaders have to be responsible about the kind of behaviour they show towards their employees and especially maintain a coherent pattern of work attitude towards their subordinates, unless some major changes are happening at the organizational level (Patterson, 2011).

Task 4: Communication at workplace

Wherever there is a conflict between the employee and the manager, there has to be a certain lack of communication that has occurred in the organization. In this case study, there has been definitely a misunderstanding between Casey and Sally and it is clear that a breakdown in communication has happened. For situations like these, a definite set of protocol needs to be maintained where neither the manager is showing an unwanted favour or appreciative behaviour out of the norms of the organization or underutilize the powers and the capabilities of the staff, thereby unnecessarily motivating or de-motivating the individual (Furnham, 2005).

Task 5: Organizational Communication

Communication happens to be the best way of achieving productive and conducive behaviour at workplace. It is through proper communication that people can be linked together and function to achieve a goal which is common to all (Paananen, 2007). With a proper information transfer from Sally to Casey and vice-versa could have avoided the happening of the unwanted and disturbing atmosphere that got created. Through communication, there could have been the process of transmission of meanings, information and idea from the sender to the one who is receiving it.

In an organizational communication, it serves as a measure which helps a group of individuals who have co-ordinated activities so that both collective and individual goals are achieved. It is very important for the managers to inculcate an atmosphere of organizational communication to achieve the respective goals smoothly. In working through a formative organizational communication, there should be proper flow of communication between the sender and the receiver maintaining the protocol of the organization (Johnson and Keddy, 2010).

Task 6: Types of workplace behaviour

The fact that Sally, the supervisor was allowing Casey to train the new employees was because Sally liked the sincerity and dedication in Casey’s working, and wanted to reward her for the action. However, Casey did not think that Sally was honouring her with any favour because she thought she had rightfully earned it through her laudable work performance of Case Study Help Australia. Casey was more of a commander who showed an aggressive and domineering work attitude. She was not ready to waste time by worrying around how to phrase things more tactfully. However, Casey was demonstrating great initiative and drive in her work, which is why she probably thought the extra attention that she attained from her supervisor was expected and justified by the level of output she was delivering at work (Louche and Lydenberg, 2011).

Task 7: Work performance and employee behaviour

It has been found that about 70 percent of the employees who understood that their employers are unhappy with them, could not figure what was it that they were doing wrong or how was it that they would change that wrong. In case of Casey, she was not confident if she was working to the best of her ability. She felt insecure of her performance and hence, when felt the fear of her apprehension coming real, she reacted the way she did (Johnson and Johnson, 2010).

This behaviour in Casey or any other employee can be avoided if Sally employs the measure of employee empowerment so that Case Study Help Australia and other employees are enabled to improve their performance, achieve the success in career and increase productivity and hence achieve ten kind of output that both desire to attain. With an approach of changing anything, managers can also empower the direct reports so that they can create a career path that is to their benefit also (Barclay and Barclay, 2011).

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Task 8: Incident report

For future policies and strategies for the organizational behaviour to be more productive and value-oriented, so that there are instances that the future supervisors can relate to and understand what kind of necessary Case Study Help Australia employee empowerment they need to focus upon, an incident report is a good suggestion to go through (Patterson, 2011). However, the incident report should follow the exact format, stating the exact happening of events and reported without any bias whatsoever. Although there was nothing officially reported from the other employees whom Casey had hurled abuses at, this incident if not maintained in the office track records, would stop from giving further understanding of the measures to be undertaken in organizational communication and behavioural patterns expected of the employees (Robbins, Judge and Campbell, 2010).


This model answer has attempted to look into the facilitation of responsible behaviour by the employees as well as the managers in any organization. The eight questions that were asked about after providing the Case Study Help Australia, has helped in understanding the different aspects of organisational behaviour and the communication that needs to be maintained between the employees and their managers so that a proper and conducive work atmosphere is created. This helps in creating a better work situation, empowering the employee with a better quality and capability to work and then producing a better productive atmosphere at work.