PUBH6008 Capstone A: Applied Research Project In Public Health Assignment

Instruction: This is a group assignment.

Length: 2000 words

Total Marks: 100 marks

PUBH6008 Capstone A-Applied Research Project

Learning Outcomes: 1.Integrate and apply their knowledge and skills in public health

2. Develop research skills and apply these to a public health issue

3. Conduct a small literature review which critically analyses key issues on a public health research topic

4. Define and justify a research question, based on the literature/public health issue, and outline its significance

Task: PUBH6008 Capstone A: Applied Research Project In Public Health Assignment

students should submit their full research proposal. This must include:

 Introductory background including a statement of the public health problem

 A background literature review

 Aims of your research, including the research question or hypothesis

 A rationale/justification of your research question or hypothesis indicating the significance of the project (research merit)

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Assessment Criteria:

 Clarity of research problem and rationale provided for its significance (15%)

 A critical and comprehensive review of the literature (15%)

 Justification of research design and methods, including ethical considerations (30%)

 Logical and clear program plan using the GANTT chart method (10%)

 Regular communication with and attendance at meetings with a facilitator (10%)

 General assessment criteria (20%):

o Provides a lucid introduction

o Shows a sophisticated understanding of the key issues

o Shows ability to interpret relevant information and literature in relation to the chosen topic

Marking Rubric: PUBH6008 Capstone A: Applied Research Project In Public Health Assignment

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