NIT6130 Introduction to Research – Victoria University Assignment Help

Submission Requirement: submit online via a link in Assessment on VU Collaborate

Value: 25% of semester assessment


The purpose of this assignment is to help students getting familiar with the process of design and implement experiments for their research projects. Students will review, analyse, design, implement experiments to evaluate the proposed methodology in previous assignment, and report experimental results and findings as well.

Tasks: NIT6130 Introduction to Research – Victoria University

1. Collect your data for experiment
a. Identify the available data sources for collection.
b. Select the most appropriate data source(s) and start data collection. You are asked to record the data sources that you have found, brief description of the available data using the following sample table:

NIT6130 Introduction to Research

c. Store the collected data in appropriate file format. You need to save the collected raw data, and keep a copy at all times.

i. Create a folder called “raw data” to store the collected raw data

ii. Record your data collection using the following sample table:NIT6130 Introduction to Research assignment

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2. Design and implement experiments

a. Adopt data pre-processing. Not all the collected raw data are available as direct input of your methodology.

b. Feature selection or dimension reduction. You may need to select some of data features or data records from the entire data collection, not to use all the collected data. In other case, you may need to reduce the dimensional of the collected data to simplify the data processing in the later stages. You need to save the result data set into a new file. You are asked to record these works using the following sample table.

NIT6130 Introduction to Research - Victoria University Assignment Help

c. Design your experiment based on the proposed methodology. The main purpose of experiments is to prove that your methodology can provide expected outcomes. You can follow the experiments that you have read from literature or any other ways that is suitable for your case. Your experiments procedure need to be detailed recorded, including instruction steps, input data, expected output, potential problems and other related issues. When state the procedure of experiment, you can use extra table, figure, chart, diagram to provide better description.

NIT6130 Introduction to Research assignment help

d. To implement your experiment, normally you need to use software/tools or write your own program. Record your experiment results for each run as the references of the following analysis task.

3. Result analysis and summary

a. What are the expected results that you want to obtained from the
experiment? You need to have a rough idea of what you may have in
advance; you cannot wait until the experiment is done.

b. Plan your result analysis by thinking of what result you may have first. Write a summary of why you expected to have that results, how they can be linked to your research problems.

4. Write up your experiment and result analysis chapter.

a. Provide an outline of your experiment and result analysis chapter, including up to four levels of subsections. Only need to list the chapter titles (level 1), section titles (level 2), subsection titles (level 3), and sub-subsection titles (level 4).

NIT6130 Introduction to Research Experiment Design & Result Analysis

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