Length: 1500 words (with your Team processes assessment documentation as an appendix)
Weighting: 20%
The task: You are required to write a reflective analysis, in which you need to make two comparisons:
- compare the issues identified in your group presentation with those from two other presentations and
- using these comparisons, analyse your experience of teamwork in your group. You should refer to the Team processes assessment tool, completed throughout the semester.
The questions to address: BUSM 1162 Management Assignment Help
- Compare and contrast the key teamwork issues discussed in your three (3) chosen cases.
- How did the teams justify their argument and how did they use their chosen cases, and the issues they identified?
- How helpful were the posters in communicating the key points?
- How did your personal experience of teamwork in your group compare to the argument your group was presenting and the arguments of the other two presentations? Did you find your experience supported the opposite case to the one you were arguing? Why?
- How could you use these insights in your development as a reflective practitioner? What would you do differently and what would you do the same?
The criteria used in the assessment of the reflection:
- clear demonstration of insight into the issues identified by the groups;
- appropriate and effective use of the selected examples;
- degree of analysis of your group experience;
- degree of evaluation of learning from that experience, and how that learning can affect personal and/or workplace practice, as a reflective practitioner;
- clear and concise writing style, correct spelling and grammar, and
- correct use of the Harvard system of citation.
When thinking about how to analyse what you have found out in your group and heard in the other group presentations, use these questions as a way of building your analysis:
- Focus on something that may change your thinking (or be important for you) that you or your group hadn’t realized.
- Think about what the significance of this new insight might be for your learning and future practice, how it may contribute to being a reflective practitioner.
- Identify the significance of your new learning: question why it is important.
- Detect connections between this idea and other ideas or material in the course or program – locate possible course material and other sources of information that support/explain your
When writing the paper: BUSM 1162 Management Assignment
- Go to the RMIT Learning Lab for ideas about reflective writing:
- The differences between a reflection, an essay and a report:
- https://emedia.rmit.edu.au/learninglab/sites/default/files/Essays_reports_reflection_accessible_2015.pdf
- How to approach writing a reflective paper:
Write using a detailed plan for each reflection: describe, interpret, evaluate and plan for future application