To earn your higher degree or graduate certificate, it is common criteria to submit a thesis, which is a quite a long writing piece. The thesis is generally submitted by a candidate as a support to his or her candidature. It is recommended to write a thesis with the clear idea of the examiner’s expectation. Find below some of the valuable tips to make your thesis more impressive.
Make it as a good read
Firstly, identify your field of contribution. For instance, you may write for art historians or for biochemistry or for any of its subfield or even you may draw some psychology theories. Irrespective of your choice, it is better to read more well-researched and written articles related to your field and make use of the same as a model for your thesis preparation.
Make your thesis reader-friendly
While you are writing down the thesis, firstly jot down all the point that you prefer to convey to the readers. Such written content may not be clear, so you can make multiple re-write attempts to get a final copy of the thesis ready. Ensure that final edited thesis must be reader-friendly and it is recommended to get feedback from some of the friends of your field. Understand where the reader is getting engaged or confused, struggling or find it interesting. Based on your understanding of such response, enhance your thesis work.

Prior submission of your thesis, it becomes inevitable to revise the content that hits the examiner’s eyesight first – probably the introduction, abstract, literature review and the final verdict. So, never bother about multiple correction and edition of such headings as working closely on these will help you to enhance your writing work. Thorough proofreading of the entire document to curb out spelling, grammar, references and formatting errors has to be done.
Make it easy to understand
Structure your ideas in a good flow which makes the examiner easy to understand your ideas. To achieve the same, you need a clear vision about the concept that may be conceived out of understanding several chapters and must know the better way to present in papers. The examiner may read the thesis in intervals over multiple weeks and there are likely chances that he or she may forget whatever you might have conveyed in the first chapter while reading fifth or sixth. So, in order to escape from such an issue, it is useful to summarize your point either while starting or ending a chapter. Usage of linking phrases, repeating terms to link ideas mentioned in different paragraphs can also be useful tools.
Make it convincing
Most of all, your thesis should be convincing from the examiner’s point of view. Highlighting important claims and make a conclusion or final verdict in each chapter is important. Also, provide convincing citations and evidence for your claim is highly recommended. For instance, just writing your claim like “There is a big hole in the ozone layer.” will not be sufficient. You must supply enough data, reasons, and citations that convince your claim and make the reader agree with your point.
Apply The Right Strategy
You must own a right tackling approach and methods to express your thesis writing. Make use of the literature to justify your way of approach. In the sense, understand whether your topic expects a new strategy to go about or an established approach can help to convey your research topic.