B01CBEH209 Consumer Behaviour Individual Essay Writing Assignment Kent Institute Australia


B01CBEH209 Consumer Behaviour Assignment

ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION: B01CBEH209 Consumer Behaviour Individual Essay Writing Assignment

B01CBEH209 Consumer Behaviour

Students are required to write a 2000 word essay on the topic “Blogs and Customer Reviews” and their influence on the purchase decision process.

Online blogging and customer reviews have become an influential indicator of a consumer’s decision making process. The amount of time a customer spends reading blogs and customer reviews has increased significantly in recent times.

You are required to write an essay on the influence of “Blogs and Customer Reviews” on consumers’ purchasing decision process. Your essay should also discuss how the blog reader’s perceptions can influence his/her attitude and purchasing decision.

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The key sections to be included in your essay should be written in accordance with the guidelines for writing essays. Your essay must include:

• Reference from academic journals supporting your argument.

• Correct argument essay structure. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills handout on Essay writing.

• Harvard referencing for any sources you use. Refer to the Academic Learning Skills handout on Referencing.

• A minimum of 8 academic references (including the text book).

Our Academic Learning Support (ALS) team would be happy to help you with understanding the task and all other assessment-related matters. For assistance please speak to our Academic Learning Skills Coordinators, Barbara Karena in Sydney (Barbara.Karena@kent.edu.au) or Ryan Honner in Melbourne (Ryan.Honner@kent.edu.au). They can help you with understanding the task, draft checking, structure, referencing and other assignment-related matter.

For online help and support please click the following link and navigate Academic Learning Support in Moodle.


B01CBEH209 Consumer Behaviour Assignment Help


Assignments should usually incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion, and will be fully referenced including a reference list.

The work must be fully referenced with in-text citations and a reference list at the end. We strongly recommend you to refer to the Academic Learning Skills materials available in the Moodle. For details please click the link http://moodle.kent.edu.au/kentmoodle/course/view.php?id=5 and download the file “Harvard Referencing Workbook”. Appropriate academic writing and referencing are inevitable academic skills that you must develop and demonstrate.

We recommend a minimum of FIVE references, unless instructed differently by your lecturer. Unless specifically instructed otherwise by your lecturer, any paper with less than FIVE references may be
failed. Work that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard Referencing Workbook” will be penalised.

Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count – as a general rule you may go over or under by 10% than the stated length.

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