HLTH310/510 Critical Reflection Assignment-University of New England Australia

Instructions to students:

  • Students are encouraged to post their critical reflection/discussion on the online forum although this is not compulsory.
  • Referencing is not required.
  • Word limit is 500 words.
  • This assessment must be written in paragraph format.
  • Upload your critical reflection in PDF format into Moodle. Do not email your assignment to the coordinator or teachers in this course without permission.
  • Make sure your PDF assessment document is uploaded file by the closing date.

Task:  HLTH310/510 Critical Reflection Assignment

MHLTH310510 Critical Reflection

Answer the following questions:

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a mental health professional disclosing to an employer that either they or their family member is living with a mental illness. What are the potential impacts on their employment or potential employment? What are the real or perceived risks of self-disclosure?

What do I have to do to achieve full marks?
Students are required to answer all parts of this question and to demonstrate in their response their ability to critically reflect. Writing or posting a general comment or opinion piece is not a critical reflection. Critical reflection is about being able to think about our practice, experiences and/or our ideas and then stepping back and being objective about what we see.

Marking Criteria: HLTH310/510 Critical Reflection Assignment-University of New England Australia

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