Subject Code & Title: TLAW201 Business Law
Assignment Type : Written Assessment
Word limit : 2500 Words
Please ensure that your report does not exceed the 2500 word limit (excluding footnotes and bibliography).In preparing the report, please ensure that you refer to the Prescribed Textbook and the Recommended Reading and Resources listed in the Course Outline. You should also refer to any relevant materials from the secondary sources listed in the course outline as well as the materials posted on Moodle by your lecturer (e.g. the Reading and Analysing Case Law Aide, the Legal Essay Checklist and the Legal Writing Resource).
TLAW201 Business Law Assessment – IMC Australia.

Students are being asked to undertake this assessment task to encourage the development of a range of skills as indicated by the assessment criteria. The assessment criteria are as follows:
• Clear and concise statement of the relevant facts and legal issue(s) in the case
• Clear and concise expression of own ideas about the case using appropriate legal language
• Careful organisation so that ideas develop logically through the analysis
• Thoughtful analysis of the judgement(s)
• Correctness of grammar, spelling etc.
• Adherence to principles of academic honesty with regard to the preparation and submission of assessments.
• Management of own workload to meet deadlines (self-assessment)

TLAW201 Business Law Assessment – IMC Australia.
Please read through and think about these criteria so that you are clear about how your work is going to be assessed.