Linked Course Learning Outcomes: 2, 3
Overall word count for this assignment = 3000 maximum (1500 words for the three observations and 1500 words for the summary)
This assignment takes place in three parts, as follows:
Watch the following video of infants, toddlers and young children at play in an Australian ECE context* using your mouse to navigate your way around the centre. Undertake a series of observations across all age groups (including under two year- olds) using a range of observation techniques (interval recording, duration recording, time sample, running record, narrative). You will be supported to do this in week 2 of the course.
TCHE2683 Observations of Young Children In Education Contexts

Video 1: Three and four year-old play and routine In ECE
Video 2: Three and four year-old play in the outdoor space
Video 3: Infant play and routine in an ECE setting
Video 4: Infant play and routine in an Early Childhood Education setting
While not set in Australia, you will see two year-olds playing with their older peers in a variety of ways, and you are welcome to use this footage as a source for your observations also.
TCHE2683 Observations of Infants, Toddlers & Young Children In Education Contexts Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

2.Select THREE (total of 1500 words) of these observations drawn from a range of different techniques – at least one must include children under the age of two years. Accurately analyse each against identified aspects of learning through play. These observations and their targetted analysis should be appended to your assignment (and labelled accordingly).
3.Then, in no more than 1500 words summarise the learning you have identified as a result of your combined analysis of these observations in relation to its significance to key principles of Belonging as learning – with accurate links to VEYLDF, consideration of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander ways of belonging, and supported by at least three peer-reviewed articles to support your claims.
TCHE2683 Observations of Infants, Toddlers & Young Children In Education Contexts Assignment-RMIT University Australia.

4.A reference list, using accurate APA referencing techniques, should be attached to this assignment. The reference list does not count as part of your word count.
Please note:
Submit parts 2, 3 and 4 in one document to Canvas by or before 19 March at 23.29. Please note that you must submit this assignment before commencing the second course in the Program and your ECE placement. Part 1 will be completed in class time.
Exemplar of assignment
TCHE2683: Observations of infants, toddlers and young children
TCHE2683 Observations of Infants, Toddlers & Young Children In Education Contexts Assignment-RMIT University Australia.