Subject Code & Title: SWK1103 Culture
Question 1: Module 1
There have been many definitions of culture offered by a variety of writers over the last 200 – 300 years. Consider this definition:Culture is a fuzzy set of basic assumptions and values, orientations to life, beliefs, policies, procedures and
behavioural conventions that are shared by a group of people, and that influence (but do not determine) each member’s behaviour and his/her interpretations of the ‘meaning’ of other people’s behaviour. (Spencer‐Oatey, 2008, p.3)
SWK1103 Culture Assessment – Australia.

Discuss 1 what you think of this definition and compare and contrast it with one or more alternative definitions that you identify in the literature.
Question 2: Module 1
Choose ONE (1) of the sociological theories that are discussed in Module 1 Lecture 2. Carry out some library research (journal articles, books or book chapters) and then describe this theory using quality references, with examples of how the theory can be applied to social work practice.
Question 3: Module 2
In your reading for Module 2 Cultural Memory, Nugent (2013) suggests there is “wider public forgetfulness or ‘wilful amnesia’ about the places and practices of racial segregation” in Australia (p.307). Nugent identifies two places of racial segregation. Describe THREE (3) other sites of segregation that have existed in Australia, using good peer reviewed references to support your answer.
SWK1103 Culture Assessment – Australia.

Question 4: Module 2
In Module 2 we examine cultural constructions. Choose one theory from Critical Race Theory, Deficit Discourse OR Labelling Theory. Define and describe your chosen theory and then discuss why this theory is important in social work practice, using quality literature to support your discussion.
Question 5: Module 3
Choose ONE (1) cultural construction from race, gender OR class, define that construction and briefly describe your understanding of the term inter sectionality. Discuss how your chosen construction might impact on a person’s ability to participate in education in Australia. Use peer reviewed references to support your answer.
SWK1103 Culture Assessment – Australia.

Question 6 Module 3
Watch the documentary in Week 8. Define what is meant by Native Title in Australia and discuss THREE (3) positive outcomes from the Native Title Act (1993) for Aboriginal peoples.