This is an individual assessment task.
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SEV301 Water Engineering Design Assignment-Deakin University Australia.

All submissions must be typed, not handwritten, and must be recognisable to Turnitin. Submissions that cannot be assessed by Turnitin will not be awarded a mark.
Learning Outcomes
This assessment task has been devised to allow students to demonstrate progress towards achieving the following Unit Learning Outcomes and Deakin Graduate Learning Outcomes:

Your work on the CSG Water proposals did not go unnoticed and you have been head-hunted by international consultancy Conan and Lupin Consultants as a team leader. The previous team leader was asked to leave the company after serious design flaws were identified in a constructed plant. The team are nearing completion of a new project, a wastewater treatment plant for Generic City. Attached is an email from the design team asking for your assessment of their design. For this assessment task you will be providing a constructive response to this email, firstly describing your understanding of the proposed wastewater treatment process using a process flow diagram and identifying and correcting significant design faults you can identify and highlighting why they would impact on the performance of the plant. You should include a copy of the Excel file with comments and corrections in your email response.
SEV301 Water Engineering Design Assignment-Deakin University Australia.

Dear Team Leader,
The design team have been working on a proposal for Generic City for the past 4 weeks and believe we are approaching submission. Prior to completing the written report, we would like you to check that our design, that we have attached, is appropriate and accurate. We are a little concerned based on our recent experiences that there may be mistakes in the way we have approached this design.
We have prepared an introduction to the report to give you some background to the design:
“Decades of neglect of the Generic City Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) has effectively left the City without adequate wastewater management for some. Conan & Lupin Consultants have been hired to design a new solution that will see Generic City serviced with the WWTP it deserves for the next 25 yrs. This is particularly important due to the negative impacts the existing facility has had on the local beach. While concerns with water quality have been addressed by the installation of a new deep sea outfall the new WWTP also needs to focus on minimising odours from the site.
“The Conan & Lupin design team has completed a functional design for the new WWTP that will accommodate the city’s projected population of approximately 322,000 people in the next 25 years as well as provide wastewater services for the local oil refinery that plays a significant role in the community. This design considers only the plant itself from screening through to tertiary treatment with some consideration given to sludge management. The design of the new outfall is not part of the current tender and has not been included here.
SEV301 Water Engineering Design Assignment-Deakin University Australia.

“Conan & Lupin have 15 years of experience in the design of WWTPs and have designed systems for Barwon Water, Melbourne Water and Amestris Water that are of similar scale. Consequently, they have a proven track record in the successful design of such systems. The plant as described here will meet the needs of the local community by providing a reliable degree of treatment for the future while minimising the impacts the plant will have on the local community.”
The EPA have agreed that with the use of a deep sea outfall, the main targets will be to reduce the BOD to less than 15 mg/L, TSS less than 15 mg/L and the ammonia to less than 0.5 mg/L. No disinfection is required. The typical minimum temperature for Generic City is 8 °C.
We appreciated any advice you are able to give as to this design and look forward to your response.
SEV301 Water Engineering Design Assignment-Deakin University Australia.