Subject Code and Title SCP103 – Self-Care Practices
Assessment Portfolio: Part A
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the Subject Learning Outcomes outlined at the bottom of this document.
Weighting 35%
SCP103 Self-Care Practices Portfolio Part A Assignment-Laureate International University AU.

The portfolio aims to help you demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of self-care practices by analysing their influence on health and wellbeing as a nurse. It gives you the opportunity to reflect on the application of your acquired knowledge in this subject, while further developing your critical analysis and writing skills.
This portfolio: part A requires you to relate the concept of health as described by the World Health Organisation (WHO) to your own health care practices, as well as to distinguish between personal and professional boundaries as described by the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA).The latter will enable you to explain how to effectively build and manage personal and professional boundaries in a nursing context and to determine the importance of building effective relationships on stress management.
SCP103 Self-Care Practices Portfolio Part A Assignment-Laureate International University AU.

In Portfolio: Part A, you should:
- Consider thoroughly each of the two (2) questions below:
1.What is your understanding of the WHO definition of health? What current lifestyle practices do you employ to ensure your own physical, mental and social wellbeing as stated in the definition of health by WHO?
2.Drawing from the description by the NMBA, explain the differences between personal and professional relationships. Why is it important to understand the differences as a nurse?
How can you maintain effective professional relationships?
Write a short answer (approx. 500 words) to address each question comprehensively, including in-text references to support your analysis.
o Draft these short answers as two (2) entries in your personal reflective journal in Blackboard. These entries are confidential and only your learning facilitator will review them to check your work progression.
o Compile your final short answers from the reflective journal entries into one (1) Word document for your assessment submission.
Submission Instructions:
- Use suitable headings and subheadings for the information presented, and page numbers should appear on each page of the document- ideally in either the header of the footer.
- All work must be word-processed, spell-checked, grammatically acceptable, and professional in appearance.

SCP103 Self-Care Practices Portfolio Part A Assignment-Laureate International University AU.
- The assessment should include a correctly constructed Reference List and accompanying in-text citations as per University guidelines (APA 6th ed. referencing style). Please refer to the Academic
- Submit your final Portfolio: Part A in a Word document via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in SCP103 Self-Care Practices. The learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
- The Learning Rubric below is your guide to how your assessment task will be marked. Please be sure to check this rubric very carefully before submission.