Introduction: In 1994, the technology of wireless Bluetooth fist developed in Sweden. It is the process of automatic and wireless technology, which helps in simplifying communication process. [11] stated that, Bluetooth wireless technology is the technological process of short-range radio frequency. In Industrial Scientific Medical (ISM), usually 2.45 GHz frequency is used in developing the wireless sensor network based on Bluetooth [4]. However, this study deals with the discussion of wireless sensor based on Bluetooth technology.
The architecture and program of Bluetooth technology allows in interaction between two devices without any pair of data cable. In order to transfer the data, technology of Bluetooth helps in secure transfer via pairing the devices with unique codes [14]. Wireless sensor network based on Bluetooth technology improves the power consumption process and save power.
Architecture has explained, wireless sensor Based On Bluetooth Technology
The wireless sensor device mainly consist four features such as micro controller card, sensor based board, power supply stage and wireless communication card.
Micro Controller Card – In order to develop an effective wireless sensor device AT91 ARM microcontroller card need to use. The performance of AT91 ARM microcontroller card is very high because it contains 32-bit RISC architecture. The instruction set of this controller card is 16-bit that is high density. The internal Static Random Access Memory (SRAM) is 8K bytes. The external Bus Interface system of this controller is fully programmable. The address space is also mage 128M bytes [8]. The external database software program is 16 bit. It has Vectored Interrupt Controller, 8 Level Priority and Individual Mask-able.
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