Introduction: Amidst of several vicious psychological attacks on a human being in the current society, SNAPEO is the most convenient which not only destroys the ethical ideality of a person, at the same time ruins the morality as well. Often it is said that smoking and alcohol work as rejuvenation for a human being, its evil impacts are really stereotyped. Away from the incarnation of health, it also casts its severe impact on the psychological growth of a human being. A research by Giordano & Lindstrom (2010) has pointed out that the youths aged between 15-30 and 35-59 are the most affected by the drab Psychosocial attacks of SNAPEO. Even the strides towards death are relentless. In this study, the researcher is going to focus on all the relevant aspects related to SNAPEO. AT the same time the research will also discuss that how does it cast its fictitious impact on the deterioration of a human being irrespective of gender bias.
Psychosocial Embodiment of SNAPEO on Human Being
After Merson & Perriot (2012) it can be mentioned that human being is typically social. The social identity of a human being let it survive even when the psychological disorder is a place. But often it is seen that a man or a woman alienates from all the credentials of society. The impact of SNAPEO seems to have the psychological impact on the growth the human being. The social attributes are the most conventional factor that let the psychological growth to be more potential in nature. More to be added, the intrinsic effect of SNAPEO brings lethargy which is having an unprecedented effect on the development of a human being. Along with the deterioration of the health, it also denounces the mental growth as well. It is often said that physical and mental exercise is the most intrinsic factor for an intense development of a human being. It is undoubtedly the most prominent healing practice for every age group of people. In comparison with the other treatments, as the physicians recommend, exercise is the best treatment. It also helps in retaining the proper balance between the physicality and mentality. Exercise, as Paul & Smith-Hunter (2011) have pointed out is the key that helps in the improvising a human being and let a person come out of the depression state. But it is also needed to be mentioned that the impact of over exercise seems not to be so much fictitious for a human being.
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