How The Concepts Taught In A Research Methods Course Can Help Students : Research Paper Writing

Topic for Research Paper Writing: How The Concepts Taught In A Research Methods Course Can Help Students Conduct Research On A Narrow Topic And Publish Their Findings


The current study is about the topic which is in Research Paper Writing Method that how the concepts taught in a research methods course can help students conduct research on a narrow topic and publish their findings. The researcher has used two journals for the development of the fact to reduce the plagiarism effects in the student papers. More effectively the students can avoid the problems of the plagiarism they can be able to increase the marks as well as the trust of the teachers. In the next section the narrow topic is selected to increase the feasibility of the Research Paper Writing methodology. The report will provide the best possible link to increase the probability of the organisational factors like the effective selection of the organisational feasibility of the selecting the proper outcome and data (Joseph, 2010).

Section 1:

In the current era educational section is facing the fear or threat of the term plagiarism. The universities are implementing the control of the fact very mush effective manner to reduce the problem. According to many market analysts the problem is there for the various factors of the carelessness or the inefficiency of the students Research Paper Writing service. The report will be more feasible if the study of the market parties can be effectively meet.

Journal 1:

The study of the journal Delta Pi Epsilon will provide a dimension of thought for the organisation. There was report of named “A STUDY OF ELECTRONIC DETECTION AND PEDAGOGICAL APPROACHES FOR REDUCING PLAGIARISM” written by Chao et al. in the year 2009.

As per the authors the term Plagiarism is the modern threat of the high schools and universities study process. The students are facing the activity related problem to use the sources of the educational terms and the lining of the proper data and information. Turnitin is online plagiarism detection software that is used by the universities of the developed countries to increase the feasibility of the reports and the study of the students on the various topics. The students will be sought cheating in terms of coping the contents and the statistic or the figures that is similar in colours and shapes. Also the pictures of the various websites can be caught plagiarised the training and development of the students knowledge will reduce the probability of the plagiarism. Proper training about the effectiveness of the paraphrasing is required to increase the efficiency of the students with the quality of the critical judgement nature. The students will be forced to do the study by their own to increase the accountability and the innovation of new view points.

Plagiarism can be increased due to several factors of the technological change, busy schedule of the students and the natures of the students to adopt the short and easy method of avoiding the writing of the study. They will prefer more of the online and autocratic research to get through the Research Paper Writingprocess. Already established data of the statistics will increase the probability of plagiarised materials. Also recently the utilisation of the internet is much easier than the manual data allocation to increase the efforts in the online searching rather than the manual research and search. Students are found of the technology and also they are imitating or the adopting the characteristics of cheating. The students are adopting the policy to cheat as because of the lack of concentration, lack of the adoptability and lack of the technique to paraphrase.

Journal 2:

Another journal can be utilised to reach the effectiveness of the study of the reducing the plagiarism facts. “Formative feedback within plagiarism education: Is there a role for text-matching software?” is the study topic that polished in the International Journal for Educational Integrity written by Davis and Carroll, in the year 2009. The study comprised of the effective evidence and resource to meet the effective strategy of overcoming the plagiarism.

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Avoiding plagiarism

The students need to avoid the utilisation of the online sources of the resource or evidence of the study. They needs to think critically to increase the possibility of the various factors of the effective and plagiarism free report and writing. More they will avoid the plagiarism they can be able to increase the trust of their own (Blum, 2009).

Over-reliance on sources

While the students are getting the data of the resources they will be able to increase the possibility utilizing those rapidly.  They will also utilise maximum data sources they are getting on the study topic. The students are so much busy in the other engagements that they are unable to think critically to increase the possibility of the own study and vision of work. Also they will be getting the ready to use data to increase the possibility of getting good marks. Also the online sources will be providing the variety of the data and information on any topic the Research Paper Writing is exploring.

Research Paper Writing

Figure 1: Avoiding plagiarism

(Source: Hamilton and Perkins, 2010, pp-1057)

The students use the resource they getting via the internet sources. They usually do not change the pattern or the statistics of the sources available in the online or published sources.  They are also unable to introduce their own thought in the studies.

Correct and complete citation:

In text referencing or citing of any type of books and the journals needs to be in a proper and appropriate manner to increase the marks and the accountability of the sighting of references. Sometime the students adopts the referencing style and structure and also the in text use of the website or the blogs they are following for the study purpose. This type of activity will increase the possibility of the getting plagiarised work. The students needs to have the proper allocation of the facts or the citing in the view point of their own and they needs to have the allocation of the stages and selection of the citing as per the proper and feasible part of the study lines.


Paraphrasing means the process of the stating others words in the own set of structuring of the various factors of the study report area. The student needs to have the restructure of the sentence and the words of the paragraphs. They need to intact the meaning of the paragraphs and also they needs to avoid the similarity of the verbs and the adjectives. Or else the Turnitin will report the area with the similarity. Students need to have the basic knowledge of the area of the topic. Paraphrasing technique is basically building new lines of sentence with the provided thoughts. Effective skills of the students of paraphrasing will reduce the probability of the plagiarism (Gilmore, 2009).

Section 2:

Selection of the topic:

In the current section a particular section need to be selected. For this purpose the topic is selected “Affects of online media marketing in the growth of the organisational shares; case study of the Nike”. In the current era the organisations are facing the huge challenges regarding the sustainability issues in the market. There are many factors that are affecting the organisational policies. The organisations are able to increase the compatibility through the various policies of the promotional marketing. The organisations in the post recessional market with then globalisation effects needs to cope up with the pricing and the customer attraction to increase the growth and sustainability as well as the organisations are required of the development of the products as per the requirement and perception of the customers (Liao and Cheung, 2011). The online marketing is the most effective tools of the promotion in the currents era the organisations are adopting the technique to increase the reach of the promotion as well as the different aged customers. They will also increase the probability of the effective cost utilisation as the online media requires of less cost.  For the reason of the effectiveness of the topic the Research Paper Writing adopted some journals to obtain the best possible result outcome. Nike is one of the major sports and Footwear Company having the global activity. The organisation is facing intense competition from the Adidas, Puma and Reebok. So the proper strategies are required to increase the market share of the organisation. Online Medias are the most emerging tool of the marketing to increase the probability of the reach of the market in comparatively low cost than the authentic technique (Santouridis and Trivellas, 2010).

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Name of the author Theme of the topic Journal/ publisher
Balabanis, G. and Vassileiou, S. (2008) Recent trend of the online shopping Journal of Marketing Management
Dholakia, N. (2008) Global scenario of e-commerce and the online shopping. CIMA: Derby
Bettman, J. and Park, W. (2008) Effects of the online information in customer decision making process. Journal of Consumer Research
Cho, Y. and Fjermestad, J. (2010) Online feedback collection. Americas Conference on Information Systems
Grandon, E. E., and Ranganathan, C. (2009) Impact of web design and information provided by the website in customer choice. Americas Conference on Information Systems, 

Resources 1:

In the study the first resource is utilised is the book written by Dholakia in year 2008. The books is about the current scenario of the global market by the affect of the e-commerce and the online shopping. The organisation Nike will get the benefit of the several factors of the generation of the market share through the effective social media marketing. The organisation is basically dealing in the international MNC business environment. The organisation also deals with the competition, the pricing and the comfort level of their products. Online media is having huge range of the reach of the customers. Also the technique is less costly. The technique has the following advantage for the organisation (Cho, 2010).

Reach and respond

The social Medias are having the huge reach of the customer’s ion comparatively least cost. Nike can be able to catch the attention of the huge customer range of different age through the social media also the respond of the customers will increased by the probability of the increased share and growth of market (Hart and Ellis-Chadwick, 2010).

Encourage sharing and utilising the products

The organisation Nike can be adoptive for the various factors of the increasing the loyalty and the promotional from the customers part. Also Nike can be able to increase the possibility of the market enhancement through the online marketing through the sharing of the current user’s knowledge and experience with the product. This will increase the promotion of the products indirectly.

Research Paper Writing

Figure 2: Impact of the online marketing

(Source: Bitner et al. 2010, pp-142)

Involve the ideas of the customers:

Basically the social networking sites are source of the collection of the feedback also. Nike can be able collect the feedback and requirement of the customers through the comment and reviews. This will increase the comfort of the customers.

Share new ideas:

The organisation Nike can be able to provide the customers with the details of the new products before actual launching the products. Also they can be able to judge the feasibility of the new products among the market customers (Koufaris et al. 2011).

Competitions, draws and contests:

The social Medias are the source of the loyalty discount providing. Nike can provide the loyalty benefit through the various discount and offers. Social media will help them to let the people know about the offer instantly in less cost. This will reach to more people for long term.

Ranking the products as per the day or week according to the promotional requirement:

The organisation can be able to select the products that is requiring of the proper promotion identifying instantly. The promotional strategies can be segmented into the weekly or daily plans. Flexibility of the organisational promotional policy can be done effectively. This will also enables the set of the strategy as per the required products (Strader and Hackbarth, 2010).

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Limited offers or catch the attraction of the buyers:

Nike can be able to catch the probable buyers who are ready to buy immediately.

Offering the customers:

The customers will be able to get the proper offer through the commercial and social networking sites more effectively than the proper allocation of the strategies (Phau and Poon, 2010).

Turn followers of the products into subscribers of the particular:

The social networking sites will increase the feasibility of the products as per the conversion of the non users into users. The promotional activities will increase the feasibility of the growth opportunity.

Words of mouth promotions:

The loyal customers will help the organisation to increase the probability of the organisation to get the loyalty of the customer to influence their friends and the subordinates (Chen and Dhillon, 2010).

Resource 2:

Balabanis and Vassileiou,(2008), described the current scenario of the online marketing condition of the different products and service. In the current globalised market the organisations are getting the more effective rate of the customer reaching. Nike is a global leader level MNC to meet the feasibility of the market growth.

In the social networking media the organisations are involving the professionals to utilise the opportunity effectively to increase the growth. LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are the major social networking sites that the organisations are adopting to promote their product and connect with their customers. Companies like the big multinational corporation to small partnership or local business adopting the commercialisation strategy to increase the profitability. Rapid use of the mobile networks are also enabling the possibility of the achieving more market share. These types of marketing technique have more reach of the customers than the traditional one to meet the requirements of the customers. Trust build up process also increased due to the proper feedback collection, loyalty discount and post sales reach (Dixon and Quinn, 2010).

Social media is intense popular one among the people of all age. The organisations are able to generate the shares among the market as the technique does not have any geographical barriers. The organisation will be adopting the proper technique to involve the online promotional technique to attract the customers. Nike is having the proper allocation of the strategy to involve the social media to increase the share of the market and the revenue generation also.  The loyalty and the promotional part of the online or social media marketing will enable the growth of the market (Oliver, 2010).

From the above two article discussed is basically non comparative. First one will lead to a impacts of the social networking and the second one is the appropriate description of the current scenario. The globalised market is facing a lot of problem to increase the market share.

Section 3:

Any narrow topic Research Paper Writing is requiring of the qualitative and quantitative research and also the inductive technique. The qualitative and quantitative research will increase the feasibility of the data and the statistics got from the research survey.

Research Paper Writing

Figure 3: Research methods

(Source: Rohm and Swaminathan, 2010, pp-770)

Inductive analysis will lead to a proper allocation of the collected data and the comparison of those data according to the requirements. The effects of the online marketing will be judge more effectively as if the qualitative data will be enabling the view point of the managers.


In the current study the first part is the remedies of the plagiarism in the educational sector for Research Paper Writing. The articles helped in order to get the optimal outcome of the utilisation of the strategies. Also the online marketing effects are detailed in the second section.