Management Of Programs Promoting Personal Effectiveness

Introduction: This Report based on Programs Promoting Personal Effectiveness and Health Issues affecting workplace productivity .The three common health issues evident in Australian workforce are cardiovascular chronic diseases, sleeping disorders and stress.

Management Programs Promoting Personal Effectiveness

Identification of issues

Prevalence of the issues

These issues depict a growing problem in the Australian workforce, which craves for immediate attention failing which, the Australian economy can feel the blow due to declining business potential by the low performing industries. The lifestyle related risks as sleeping disorders, stress, etc shows an adverse effect of 2.4% to 3.2% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product) on the productivity of the Australian workforce (, 2014) .

Identification of standard approaches to address issue at workplace

The Management standards approach and the Funding Model approach are the two effective approaches.

Standard approaches addressing the issue

The 36 corporate wellness providers in Australia provide service to around 5% of the country’s workforce. Developing the management standards approach effectively addresses the health issue of stress at workplace. It focuses mainly on work design, management, systems and organisation.  This approach sets the standards whose presence reflects standard level of health and well-being. Hungerford and Hodgson (2013, p. 90) identifies the 6standards as:

Demands, control, support, relationships, role and change.

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