Introduction: In the global era organisations are facing intense competition and difficulty in achieving growth in the market. In the current study the customer Relationship management policies adopted by the organisation, Woolworths will be analysed by conducting a systematic research. Woolworths is one of the major retail stores in Australia deals in grocery and fresh food products. The organisation is having 933 stores around Australia. The organisation is having different loyalty schemes for the maintenance of the market share and position they are having. They are having the Discount fuel offers, Everyday rewards and credit card as well as the Frequent Shopper Club as to generate more loyalty from the customers and maintain proper customer base (, 2014).
Effective CRM system is essential for an organisation to retain its loyal customers
In spite of this, the customer relationship management (CRM) at Woolworths is not effective enough to retain customers and achieve their long term loyalty. Moreover the customer retention policies adopted by the organisation are not supported by the CRM system. This also results in loss of customer loyalty due to increase in customer dissatisfaction.
In the contemporary world the retail organisations are facing several issues in terms of controlling the customer switch over intention to competitors. The issues occur due to the inefficiency of the employees, unable to maintain the delivery and service quality commitments. The retention of the employees will help in terms of building more compatibility. In the global retail sectors the organisations are developing the customer relationship management so that they can grab more customers and maintain the sustainability process in the market. Therefore the study will outline the impacts of the CRM techniques to get the satisfaction and the loyalty of the customers (Polonsky, 2013).
Literature review
Customer relationship Management (CRM)
According to Fornell (2011), CRM policy will help in terms of the maximization of channel sales of the Australian based retail market. Moreover, the CRM provides the precise and updated data of the products and service to the customers. In addition, the purchase orders, order status tracking, delivery commitments are maintained to ensure the loyalty. Moreover, the CRM practices are guided by the effective regulatory norms so that the global trade practices can be maintained.
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