Introduction and background for volunteer tourism service: This report presents an extensive research on the aspects of volunteer tourism and the necessity for its development in the Australian tourism market. Apart from manifesting an enriched literature review, this report also constructs STP Plan For The Australian Tourist Market. The thesis statement is to find out the appropriate segment and target of the Australian market where volunteer tourism can be introduced.
Literature Review On STP Plan For The Australian Tourist Market
Volunteer Tourism
Volunteer Tourism better known as ‘Voluntourism’ involves a different kind of tourism, which is often known as a combination of work and leisure. Certain terms such as volunteer vacation, vacation volunteering, and service-based volunteering also point out towards volunteer tourism. As Coren and Gray (2012) put forward in their article, volunteer tourism stands out as a newly appearing tourism sector, thereby involving those individuals who endeavor not only to make a difference while spending holidays but also assuring the local inhabitants and communities of the areas to have environmental and economic gains.
Market Segmentation
Market segmentation can be done based on geographic segmentation, thereby depending on the different geographic locations, which different tourists prefer to visit. Moreover, other segmentations can be done based on the demographic factors such as age, income, gender and marital status (Coghlan, 2008). Apart from that, market segmentation for volunteer tourism can be obtained based on geographic segmentation, since different people do have different psychological reasoning for going for vacations. Even behavioural segmentation is a type which focuses on loyalty, attitudinal behaviour, and benefits expected of the individuals to be involved.
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