A Investigation And Report On allocating electricity costs.
Investigate and report on an organisation’s method of allocating electricity costs. You can use any organisation with which you are familiar.
How to Write Report On allocating electricity costs?
To Write Report On Allocating Electricity Cost Consider the following:
1. Does the organisation allocate the total cost of electricity?
2. If so, what is the basis for the allocation of the total cost of electricity incurred for a period?
3. Calculate the percentage and cost of the total cost for each allocation.
Complete a report that you could provide to management about your findings and include within it an executive summary. Make recommendations to management about the appropriateness of the methods of allocating costs and provide reasons for your conclusions within the report.
Cost allocation is a Ongoing process of providing relief to shared service organization’s cost centers that provide a product or service. For instance, the associated expense is assigned to internal clients’ cost centers that consume the products and services of the organization’s.