Question LAW2001 – Corporate Law Assessment Australia

Course Title and Code: LAW2001 Corporate Law Assignment
Assessment Description:  Assignment
Topics:  3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and 4.1
Individual/Group:  Individual
Modules: 3 and 4

Learning Outcomes: 5. Identify the risks of liability arising from diverse
sources for both the company and its officers and, in
particular, define directors’ duties and the
consequences of breaching those duties;

LAW2001 Corporate Law Assignment

10. Use skills, including analytical and deductive
reasoning, in applying the above knowledge, rules and
principles of corporations’ law to factual situations
which could arise in practice, in order to solve a
problem perceptively and creatively or to have
sufficient understanding of the legal issues to know
what questions to ask when referring the matter for
legal advice.

Submission: The end of Module 4 at 11:55pm
AEST/AEDT (11:25pm Adelaide time)

Weighting: 30%

Total Marks: 60 marks

Task Description:

Students will be presented with three case studies on directors’ and officers’ duties incorporating legal issues taken from Modules 3 and 4 up to and including Topic 4.1.

Students are to answer either a single question or a series of questions about each of these case studies in approximately 2 500 – 3 000 words in total and submit their written responses via Turnitin on Blackboard.

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• The assignment is to contain a header which includes the following:
     o Student’s name
     o Course title and code
     o Assessment Description
     o Trimester and year
• Pages are to be numbered.
• The assignment guidance and/or referencing guide attached to the assignment should not be included in your assignment submission.
• Each individual assignment submitted is to be a student’s own work. Any other sources used (including by consultation with any other person) are to be acknowledged and appropriately referenced.
• The assignment is to be referenced using footnotes in accordance with the Australian Guide to Legal Citation (‘AGLC’).
• A bibliography is to be provided in accordance with the AGLC.
• Guidance for the assignment, a referencing guide and a marking guide for the assignment
are attached to the assignment.
• When submitting the assignment on Turnitin, the following are NOT to be included:
     o Assignment questions
     o Assignment guidance
     o Referencing guide
     o Marking guide

Assessment Of Answers
The factors listed below will be taken into account in the assessment of answers to the assignment questions. Please refer to the Assessment Rubric in the Assessment Brief on Blackboard for more detail.

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1. Knowledge, content and application
• Demonstration of knowledge of the relevant course material
• Correct application of course concepts and the law
• Conclusions to be based on legal reasoning
• Relevance to the questions
• Evidence of critical thinking and analysis
• Appropriate use of authority (case law and legislation) to support analysis and conclusions
• Completeness/comprehensiveness of the answer

2. Expression and convention
• logic and clarity of expression
• use of academic and professional conventions (e.g., correct use of language, legal
terminology and appropriate referencing)

NOTE: In your answers, please focus on the main directors’ duty breached and
only briefly refer to any other duties which may have also been breached.

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