Education Facilitator Helps Students To Choose universities As Per Their Suitability In Australia

Education Facilitator –

The following collaborative research project requires you to work in groups, each group

consisting of approximately 3 or 4 students. Please confirm your group composition with your


You and a group of investors are interested in setting up a range of tourism promotion

ventures, given the ample opportunities in Australia including the Sun, Sand and Surf. Your

group has to shortlist:

  • Nature of business – e.g. Travel agent, Tourist group operator, serviced apartments for

tourists , camp site ( there are several other options)

  • Type of business –e.g. front office, site based office, online booking ( there are several other


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The aim of the venture is to provide a pleasant experience to a selected cohort of tourists e.g.

Baby boomers, uni students, young couples. In order to do this successfully you need to

ensure that the Nature and type of business you choose can grow over the next 10 years.

Your minimum criteria are:

  • enough tourists who will be interested in availing of these facilities.
  • these tourists have the funds to pay for their trip (how you identify that is up to you but you

need to document this criterion)

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These are the minimum criteria – you should identify some more, at least one more, that you

can use in this business decision.

Your task is to prepare a report to be presented to your co-investors which identifies two (2)

ventures in Australia which meet your criteria. Your report should demonstrate how these

ventures meet the minimum criteria above and additional criteria which you have identified.

You should also identify additional statistical information that is required before a final

decision is made to invest in any venture.

Making presentations and working in teams are important professional skills. As a Master

graduate accountant you are expected to be able to justify and communicate accounting

advice and ideas in diverse collaborative contexts. In doing this assessment you are

demonstrating some of these skills. Guidance for effective collaborative work is available in


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Your report should be professionally presented as a

  • Business Report OR
  • PowerPoint – to be presented to the audience

o for-slideshare has few suggestions for the


Only one team member need submit the Business Report OR the PowerPoint presentation

but each team member must submit a 250 word individual reflection on the research process

– listing issues of group formation, time allocation, conflict resolution, insights gained etc.

Only one submission will be accepted from each group – including all the individual

reflections on the research process.

You may choose how you want to work as a group. Some suggestions are to use one or a

mixture of Skype, Face time, Google Docs – there are many more. Initial information on how

to use these can be found by doing an online search – see some suggestions below:

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Mark allocation

  • Development and explanation of criteria 2
  • Substantial data collection, analysis and conclusion 3
  • Quality of presentation 2
  • Individual reflection on the group process. 3

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