Question – Literature Review On Organisational Behaviour
As students of Organisational Behaviour it is important that you are able to effectively identify, collate and disseminate credible information on a range of issues that have strong theoretical and/or practical relevance to the field. Such information will often provide the basis for effective planning and decision-making.
Task : Question – Literature Review On Organisational Behaviour
Undertake a Literature Review (max 1500 words) on‘the Dimensions and Antecedents of Organisational Citizenship Behaviour (OCB)’. The review is to focus solely on refereed academic publications (i.e. journal articles).
The single document submitted for this assignment is to contain the following components and formatting features
- Assignment ‘Coversheet’ (document is in the Assessment Details tab on Blackboard).
- Assignment ‘Coverpage’ identifying the unit name & code, assignment title, student name & ID, and the report word count (note: Reference List content is not included in this count).
- Content; i.e. your Literature Review (maximum of 1500 words).
- Develop a unique Title; one that signals the central theme or focus of the review. Thereafter you can include any subheadings that might help to effectively structure the discussion. No Table of Contents is required.
- In-text and Reference List skills must be demonstrated (use Harvard Referencing style).
- The report is to include a minimum of six distinct references from academic journals. You may cite your textbook and sources identified in it but they do not contribute towards the reference count. Quoting is not permitted. Paraphrase the information you obtain from your various sources.
Guidelines And Marketing Criteria
Reference List.
Adopt the following formatting features for the paper
- Apply page numbers. Page 1 comes after your cover page.
- Font style: Times New Roman, 12pt, justified, 1½ line spacing.
- Margins – top and bottom to be 2.54cm. Left and right to be 2.54cm. No page boarders.
- Spelling – if using a Microsoft package, specify Australian English language/grammar when running your spell-check.
- Writing and grammar must conform to the standards of a professional report.
Submitting: All assignments are to be submitted through ‘Turn-it-in,’ which can be accessed from the ‘Assignment 1’ folder on Blackboard. The link will be activated in week 1 and you can submit the assignment any time up to the due date.
The file you submit should be labelled in the following manner
Surname, initial, student code, MNG82210, asmt 1c
For example – Gillett, P, 012345, MNG82210, asmt 1c
Feedback: Students who submit their report by the due date will receive feedback within 2 weeks. This feedback will be in the form of a marking rubric and a copy of your report with electronic comments from the marker.