Question HLTEN606B – The Deteriorating Patient essay.
“Early recognition of the deteriorating patient is important in preventing cardiopulmonary arrest and reducing mortality, but it is a complex issue owing to reasons such as not recognising early deterioration, poor communication between staff or not responding appropriately to the situation (Cherry & Jones, 2015, p.812).
HLTEN606B – Assess clients and manage client care
For this assessment, you are required to write a 500 word argumentative essay to discuss the above statement.
Your essay should include the following
1. An introduction that addresses the key discussions you will be undertaking in the essay.
2. The body of the essay which should include
- The significance of early recognition of patient deterioration
- Causes that prevent early recognition of patient deterioration or staff failing to respond appropriately to an emergency situation
- The effectiveness of Early Warning Systems in enhancing patient outcomes.
- How you were educated on Early Warning Systems during clinical placement.
3. A conclusion that summarises your discussion and brings the essay to a logical conclusion. A conclusion should not end with a long quote or introduce new material.
INTERNAL Holmesglen: SL/HSB 8-Feb-2016 U:\HSB\Programs – Courses\NURSING\Course Delivery & assessment\2016\Stage 3\HLTEN606B Assess clients and manage client care\Assessments\F15 The Deteriorating Patient Essay.doc
Requirements for Submission : Question HLTEN606B – The Deteriorating Patient essay
1. The assignment must be uploaded to Bright space by Monday 12th September @4pm Your submitted file must be named using the following format:
Your family name_student number_assessment task identifier e.g. Lanyon_10045623_Deteriorating Patient Essay
Any assignments not saved in this format will not be marked.
2. A hard copy must be submitted on Monday 11th April, 2016 by 4pm
3. Students must keep a copy of all work submitted.
4. Any student who achieves a mark of <30% will not be eligible for a resubmit. For further information regarding failed assignments please refer to the Student Information Handbook 2016 (p.14).
5. Assignments marked RESUBMIT must be handed in within 2 weeks of the student receiving it back. The maximum mark for a resubmitted assignment is 50%. The original marked copy must be resubmitted with the revised version.
6. All reference and source materials must be accurately cited using APA referencing (a guide is available on the Holmesglen website → Learning Commons). Do not use unacceptable websites
(eg. Wikipedia, Nurse Bob, UKessays, Wrong diagnosis or Better Health Channel) where the information is unsubstantiated and not produced by a recognised and reputable organisation or published author.
7. Plagiarism is not acceptable. The laws of copyright mean that you cannot copy, or cut and paste text from resource material. The assignment must be in your own words and must be referenced appropriately when you have taken your ideas from another source. Direct quotes must be kept to the absolute minimum and must be referenced appropriately.
8. Submitted assignments will be uploaded to Turning to ensure students have not breached Holmesglen policy on copyright, plagiarism and collusion.
9. Please refer to the Student Information Handbook 2016 for information regarding late submission.
10. The essay word limit is 500 words, excluding the reference page. In-text references are included in the word count. The essay will not be graded beyond the allocated word limit.
11. A minimum of 6 references must be used.
12. Journal articles only can be used for references. Journal articles should not be dated earlier than 2008.
13. Typing should be Arial size 11-12. 1.5 line spacing is required. Double sided is permitted.
14. Subheadings are not to be used
15. Hard copy submissions must contain a marking guide.
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