Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

Assessment 4: Quality Improvement proposal and poster presentation
Weight: 40%
Word Count: 2500 words
Description: This task will build upon assessment 3 (Q&S brief). Utilising the same ‘issue’ identified in assessment 3, students will develop a Quality Improvement (QI) proposal and a poster to accompany it. The poster should translate the proposal into a format that can be understood and actioned by staff and health care consumers
Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

Task Instructions:

  • Prepare a QI proposal that adheres to the format provided
  • The word count for the proposal is 2500 +/- 10%
  • Prepare an A3 poster that provides a visual representation of the proposal and clearly indicates any practical activities required to be carried out by staff/consumers to support/action the proposal.
  • Provide a reference list in APA 7 th format to encompass current and valid resources utilised to inform and create the proposal and poster.
  • Academic writing standards apply to the task as set out in the rubric
  • As per lecturer 40% poster is texted 40% of poster is graphic in between enough space don’t want look so cluster you can look for info graphics from google can use canva , be funky or PowerPoint
  • I am also attaching the Q&S Brief which I had submitted the university

Quality improvement project
Purpose of the project: [Provide a brief description of the problem or opportunity that the project aims to address.This should be consistent with what you explored in Assessment Task 3]

[Provide a brief history of the project and how the issue/opportunity came about. This should be consistent with what you explored in Assessment Task 3]

Objectives and outcomes:
[Provide a detailed statement and/or dot points about what the project is expected to deliver based upon the current state of knowledge and understanding and current best practice.]

[ Define the benefits of the outcomes required from this project – what needs to be achieved, not how. Detail how the benefits of the project will be measured and when they should be realised.]

Scope of the project: [Identify all items/functions within the scope of this project]

Risk Management: Explain how risks will be identified, monitored and managed and who will be responsible for this]

Project constraints:
[Outline any limiting factors that you may have identified that could impact on the project eg. Budget restrictions, political issues, limited resources or timing constraints]

[Provide a brief description of the decision-making relationships relevant to this project. A governance chart can be included where appropriate]

Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

Roles and Responsibilities:
[List the roles and their owners and what their responsibilities are to the project eg. Project sponsor, project director, project manager, project officer etc.]

Project reporting:
[Quantify when reporting will take place and to whom. Describe the aim of the reporting]

2.Budget requirements:
3.[List any additional resources that will be required to run the project and provide an estimated cost over the duration of the project]

5.Staffing Requirements:
6.[Detail staffing requirements; existing staff, additional internal staff needed, additional external staff needed, other staffing requirements over time (this does not need to be costed)]

9.Communication Strategies

11.Internal communication:

12.[Detail the methods of communication to be used for internal stakeholders. These may encompass educational inputs required.]

14.External communication:

15.[This section should identify any external communication strategies, detailing the specific tasks that will be carried out. These may encompass educational inputs required]

18.Change Management

20.[Identify any types of change associated with the ‘people’ aspect of delivering this project.Establish strategies to prepare for the change]


25.[How will the project be evaluated? List any relevant key performance indicators or process and outcome measures. Outline how data will be captured and analysed]


30.Timeline for Project:

31.[Please include key dates and milestones eg. Initiation, planning, delivery, evaluation, etc.]

33. QI Proposal QI proposal adheres to the format as prescribed in the task description.


35.is logical and shows clear link to assessment 3 topic. Timeline is detailed and realistic.Evidence-based rationales are provided for all decisions


37.Poster created provides a visual representation of the QI proposal: issue, plan and engagement staff and consumers). Poster is created in A3 using clear, legible font with images where appropriate.


39.Is supported by the poster. Adheres to the 10-minute time limit including two minutes of question time. Provides a succinct overview of the project and timeline as per the QI proposal. Includes a clear description of engagement for staff/consumers

Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

Quality Improvement Proposal And Poster Presentation Assignment-Australia.

40.Academic writing

41.Provide a reference list in APA 7 th format to encompass current and valid resources.Language utilised in each par(proposal/poster/presentation) is appropriate to the medium and audience.

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