Subject Code & Title : PHYS5034 Life Cycle Analysis
The scenario : Two large transport infrastructure projects (Road and Rail) are to be analysed in sustainability terms. The projects are broadly comparable, with the functional equivalence being the movement of 8,000 people per day a distance of 20 km, for every day of the year, for 30 years. For each project you have been given data on capital expenditure (Capex) to establish the project and the annual operational expenditure (Opex) of the projects.
PHYS5034 Life Cycle Analysis Assessment – Australia.

There are four spreadsheets in this workbook, one each for the capital expenditure phase (capex) and operational expenditure phase (opex) of each scenario (road and rail). These sheets hold a general ledger of expenditure ( $) that can be used as input into the ECE tool. The also specify scope 1 emissions data in tonnes and electricity consumption data in in peta joules which will allow you to calculate process based (‘bottom up’) scope 2 emissions profile. Lastly, the spreadsheets include revenue data.
Your task:
Critically evaluate the impacts of the two projects over the 30 years. With justification and explanation you can change the input data for any of the four data sets. Choose the indicator ‘National Greenhouse Gas CO2 equivalent’ and at least one other indicator provided in the ECE tool, and run the analysis to obtain figures and tables.
Noting that the ECE tool is designed to calculate the consumption based footprints, that is Scope 3 emission, you should also consider the direct emissions (Scope 1) and energy related emissions (Scope 2).
You should present total and separate results, graphs etc. Most importantly, you should write a report which tells a credible “story” about the two projects, covering opex and capex, for the two indicators. The style of the report might be that of a high-level “scoping” study to be given to a State Government Minister. Consider using appropriate references to support your story.
Like any quality analysis, you should consider:
• the inherent aims, goal and scope of the analysis;
• whether the input data and approach is adequate for these;
• allocation issues (such as the mapping of the project expenditures to the IO categories); and
• whether your conclusions/outcomes are supported by the results.
You should choose and clearly state the point of view behind the analysis. For example, you could be (but are not limited to):
• a state government department (e.g. roads or rail)
• a private infrastructure company
• a public interest, professional or consumer group (e.g. an environmental group).
PHYS5034 Life Cycle Analysis Assessment – Australia.

Marking scheme
This assignment is to get you to engage with the ECE Tool and the provided indicators. There is no word or page limit. It might be expected that full assignments are 10-15 typed pages including tables and graphs etc. Pay attention to concisely making your points and laying out the report in a logical and efficient way. Marks will be awarded for:
• Demonstrated understanding of the ECE tool;
• Critical and detailed assessment of the two projects, for two selected indicators;
• Quality of presentation of the written review; and
• Validity of the conclusions/recommendations of the review.
Data allocation:
The general ledger data is not assigned to sectors and you will need to allocate the raw data with IO sectors in the ECE tool. This is based on research and expert opinion, so you should provide justification for your choice of allocation.
Calculating Scope 1
Scope 1 emissions (on-site burning of fossil fuels) will not be included in the ECE tool, and these will need to be calculate separately as input-output tables do not include data on on-site burning of petrol. These emissions need to be calculate separately using fuel consumption data and emission factors. This has been done for you and the results provided in tonnes. You should include the fuel expenditure data in the ECE tool – this is needed to capture upstream emissions from purchased fuels (scope 3).
Calculating Scope 2
There are two options for calculating Scope 2 emissions. (1) You can calculate these using the provided electricity consumption data and national emissions factors (bottom up) or (2) you can calculate these in the ECEtool by including the electricity expenditure (top down). The first option is regarded as more accurate, as it uses primary data.
Bottom up Scope 2 calculation
You can use the national greenhouse gas factors to convert energy data to emissions. Remember to use the same year as the data informing the ECE tool (2014/15).
If you include the emissions calculated using the national emissions factors leave the electricity IO sector blank – no financial data allocated to electricity. The ECE tool will still show footprint results for electricity, but these would entirely be Scope 3.
Top down Scope 2 calculation
If you enter expenditure data for electricity in the ECE tool, then the tool will generate both scope 2 and scope 3 results for electricity. Do not then include the emissions calculated using the electricity consumption, as this will result in double counting.
Late Penalty:
Please note that Simple Extensions are not granted in this unit. Please refer to guidelines on Special Consideration, if you would like to request for additional time for completing the assessment tasks:
Academic honesty:
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• I have read and understood the University of Sydney’s Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015.
• The work is substantially my own and where any parts of this work are not my own I have indicated this by acknowledging the source of those parts of the work and enclosed any quoted text in quotation marks.
• The work has not previously been submitted in part or in full for assessment in another unit unless I have been given permission by my unit of study coordinator to do so.
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• Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty in coursework will, if detected, lead to the University commencing proceedings under the Academic Honesty in Coursework Policy 2015 and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016.
PHYS5034 Life Cycle Analysis Assessment – Australia.

• Engaging in plagiarism or academic dishonesty in research-focussed work will lead to the University commencing proceedings under the Research Code of Conduct 2013 and the Academic Honesty Procedures 2016.
• Engaging another person to complete part or all of the submitted work will, if detected, lead to the University commencing proceedings against me for potential student misconduct under the University of Sydney (Student Discipline) Rule 2016.