Instructions to students: This is an individual assignment.
Word Limit: 1000 words (30%)
The purpose of the short essay is to develop your ability to understand and analyze historically important philosophical texts and arguments about the nature of work. The assignment will be assessed mainly on the basis of the degree of understanding shown, clarity of expression and quality of argument (following the rubric posted on the unit iLearn site). When explaining a position or argument, do so in your own words.
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Provide reasons in support of the views you present. Do not use extended quotations and always explain/expand upon any quotations that you do use. Please keep to the word limit, ie 1000. In preparing for the essay, you should draw primarily on the readings provided on the unit iLearn site. You may also use other material you find helpful. Lecture notes may be consulted but not reproduced in your essay. All citations must be fully page referenced.
Make sure you start your essay by writing down the question you are answering.
Task: PHL356 WORK AND THE GOOD LIFE ESSAY Assignment-Macquarie University Australia
Answer the following questions:
1. In the Republic, Socrates says: ‘So the conclusion is that more things will be produced and the work be more easily and better done, when every man is free from all other occupations to do, at the right time, the one thing for which he is naturally fitted’. What reasons does Socrates give in support of this conclusion? Are they good reasons, in your view?
2. In the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle writes: ‘In the variable are included both things made and things done; making and acting are different’. Explain the difference between making and acting as Aristotle conceives it, and comment on its relevance for understanding the role of work in the good life.
3. In The Wealth of Nations, Adam Smith writes: ‘This division of labour, from which so many advantages are derived, is not originally the effect of any human wisdom…’ What, according to Smith, are the main advantages that derive from the division of labour? If they are not the effect of human wisdom, where do they originate from? Are there any disadvantages to the division of labour?
4. In the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844 Marx writes that ‘Estranged labour…
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