How to Write an Argumentative Paper
Before the Outline
a) Explore the assigned question from all sides.
b) Find the various arguments and evaluate them.
c) Form an opinion. Take a stand. (Does one argument seem more convincing? Will you support a given argument, reject one or more of them, modify an argument, or present your own argument?)
d) Find support for your position. (How will you defend your opinion?)
PHIL2026 Ethics & Moral Psychology of Good & Evil Essay-Australia.

- Determine the type of argument or arguments you will use to support your position.
- Find major objections to your position and develop your responses.
- Think of possible objections to your position (even though no one has made them) and your responses to those objections.
2.Outline (Lack of a good outline is a major cause of a bad paper)
a) Explain the question you will discuss and make a definite claim.
1.Present your evidence in an orderly way. Develop one argument at a time. (Make your premises and assumptions clear and explicit.)
2.Present the objections to your position (mention minor ones you will not discuss and explain why they will not be treated) and your responses.
3.Present alternatives to your position and your reason for rejecting them.
4. Summarize your argument and explain how it supports your claim (if your argument is lengthy, summarize each section before you move on).
Writing Your Essay
a) Follow your outline.
b) Keep the introduction brief and tightly focused.
c) Use definite, specific, concrete language.
d) Avoid loaded language or jargon.
e) Use consistent terms (stick to one meaning for each term).
f) Give your arguments one at a time.
g) Support objections with arguments.
h) Don’t claim more than your evidence has shown, or make your claim too strong.
i) Revise and clarify:
Vigorous writing is concise. A sentence should contain no unnecessary words, a paragraph no unnecessary sentences, for the same reason that a drawing should have no unnecessary lines and a machine no unnecessary parts. This requires not that the writer make all [their] sentences short, or that [they] avoid all detail and treat [their] subjects only in outline, but that every word tell (Strunk and White, The Elements of Style, Third Edition, p. 23).
1.Use an outline. It is the best way to stay focused and not lose your reader.
2.Use simple, short, declarative sentences.
3.Make sure you understand the assignment.
4.See the lecturer if you have questions or problems with an assignment.
5.Use the guidelines in “How to Write an Argumentative Paper”.
6.Be honest. If you disagree with your classmates or the instructor, let them know. You are not graded on whether or not you agree with particular views.
1.Don’t try to “bluff”. Never pretend to know something you do not understand.
2.Don’t use jargon or cliches.
3.Don’t try to impress. Write your paper as if you were explaining something to a friend.
4.Avoid weasel words. Take a stand!
5.Don’t make unsupported claims.
6.Don’t appeal to a dictionary to settle anything (except spelling).
7.Don’t use statistics to prove anything. Statistics may be useful as evidence but of themselves prove nothing.
Guidelines for Essay Review
There are four general matters to consider when reviewing your essay:
PHIL2026 The Ethics And Moral Psychology of Good And Evil Essay-Australia.

How clearly ideas are presented:
• Is it clear what you are trying to say overall?
• Are there any sentences or paragraphs where the reader might get lost in what is being said?
• Has appropriately clear, precise and concise language been used throughout?
The way ideas are put together to form a whole:
• Is the introduction clear and relevant, are the points made in a logical order?
• Is there unnecessary repetition, or, conversely, too little explanation?
• Does each paragraph deal carefully with one point, are transitions between stages of the argument easy to follow?
How well the essay stays on track:
• Does the discussion stay focused on the central issues (problems/arguments/etc)?
• Is the conclusion consistent with the introduction and are both consistent with the body?
• Are the examples relevant and do they help explain your case/argument/position?
• Have you explained what the examples show?
PHIL2026 Ethics & Moral Psychology of Good & Evil Essay-Australia.

How persuasive the essay is:
• Have good reasons been provided for your stance?
• Do you need to provide more or stronger evidence for your position?
• Are there obvious alternatives, objections or counter examples the essay needs to consider?