Unit code: NURS7106
Master of Nursing Studies: NURS7106 Critical Issue Essay Task Description
Weighting: 30 %
Word Count – 1200 words
Assignment Type: Essay
NURS7106 Critical Issue Essay-Queensland University Australia.

This assessment item is designed to provide the student with opportunities to develop critical analysis, academic writing and researching skills by searching and critically appraising the literature relevant to the critical issues from the provided case study.
Students are required to submit one (1) essay of 1200 words during this course. The topics for students essay’s will be generated from the PBL critical issues learning module one (1) and case study and will be released beginning of Week 4 – 15/03/21, following completion of PBL session one (1).

Submit your Essay:-
1.Via TURNITIN; as a word document
2.And on your group discussion board
Other Information:
- Do not attach a cover sheet
- Font: Calibri 11, Times New Roman 12, Arial 10
- Line Spacing: Double
- Margins: 2.54cm
- Provide – Introduction and conclusion
- Reference system: APA 7th
- Header: Student ID number only
- Footer: page numbers, word count
- Word count: includes introduction, conclusion, sub-headings, and in-text references.Word count does not include the reference list. A penalty of 3 marks will be deducted from your total mark if 10% over or under the word count.

Please see marking criteria for allocation of marks.
Please see ECP 5.3 for late submission policies and penalties,and procedures on when and how to apply for an extension.