Subject code & Title : NURS30038 Emerging Global Health Issues
Length: 2500 words
Weighting: 50%
Task type: Task type
Assignment no: Assessment 1 Task type Due date Length Weighting Essay and Text Based Assignment
NURS30038 Emerging Global Health Issues Assignment – Avondale University Australia.

Task Details:
Vaccine preventable diseases (VPD) within Australia and globally have a severe impact on individuals and the community. In 2015, nearly 16,000 years of healthy life were lost in which 80% of the burden was due to premature death in Australia due to the effects of VPD (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare [AIHW], 2019). Among the Australian and Torres Strait Islander population, it is estimated that the VPD burden rate is 4.1 times the rate for non-Indigenous Australians (AIHW, 2019).
Globally, the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates that immunization prevents 2-3 million deaths worldwide each year and recognizes immunisation as being ‘one of the most successful and cost-effective health interventions known’ (World Health Organisation [WHO], 2013).
You are to choose ONE (1) of the following VPD: Measles, Pertussis, Influenza or Hepatitis B and answer the questions outlined in the assessment criteria below.
YOU MUST inform Michelle Chalker which VPD you have chosen by entering your name and chosen VPD in the online form in Moodle by 0900hrs on 2th September 2021 so markers can be allocated.
Assessment criteria:
Please refer to the marking guide uploaded to Moodle for this assessment task. Evaluation will be based on the following criteria:
Introduction: Presents a clear and concise introduction to explain the importance of the topic and what will be covered in the paper
Source of infection, transmission method and infection prevention & control measures: Describe the source of infection, method of spread, and infection prevention &control measures to reduce or stop the spread of infection
NURS30038 Emerging Global Health Issues Assignment – Avondale University Australia.

Epidemiological data within Australia and another country of your choice: Compare and analyse epidemiological data including the number of reported cases and vaccination rate trends over the last 5-10 years for Australia and another country of your choice
General strategies for communicating important public health messages such as vaccinations within the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population:
Discuss general strategies for communicating important public health messages such as vaccinations with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations
Conclusion: Presents a clear, concise concluding statement of the main points covered in the paper to answer the assignment question
Literacy standard and organisation: Demonstrates correct use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentence and paragraph construction. Shows logical organization and sequencing of paper and clarity of expression
APA style format & referencing: Adheres to APA style 6th or 7th edition for formatting and referencing. Paper is within specified word count. References no more than 8-10 years old. A minimum of 15 appropriate references used
• Written paper should be correctly formatted including an introduction, discussion and conclusion. Headings are permissible per APA Style
• Paper should display appropriate literacy skills, be clearly written, structured and referenced. Please refer to the “Assignment Writing and Presentation available on Moodle) for expectations regarding correct writing, formatting and referencing.
• Acknowledgement of sources and correct referencing as per APA Style 6th or 7th edition is essential.
• Essay must be based upon current literature and research (references no more than 8-10 years old). Current journal articles and textbooks must be the main source of references,not only internet sources. Any internet sources used must be from reputable websites.
• For a paper of this size, it is expected that a minimum of 15 appropriate references be used.
NURS30038 Emerging Global Health Issues Assignment – Avondale University Australia.

Electronic submission of assignment
• You are required to submit the assignment online via Turnitin on Moodle using the assignment link that is provided. You must use the Avondale assignment template available on Moodle to format your assignment.
• Please ensure your assignment is uploaded using the correct “Submission Title” when prompted in Turnitin. Format should be as follows: