Subject Code &Title: NURS30033 Medication Error Nursing
Assignment Type: Essay
Length & Word Count: 3000 Words
Weighting: 60%
Task Details: Please read Reflective Paper Instructions on Moodle for more detail!
This 3000-word academic paper must utilise and cite Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle (1988) to guide your reflection on a Critical Incident/breach of the Code of Conduct that you have witnessed or experienced whilst on clinical placement.
NURS30033 Medication Error Nursing Essay-Avondale University Australia.

- Sub-headings are required (except for Introduction or Conclusion) for structure, as permissible in APA style.
- Number of sources need to match the content – although a reflective paper will naturally have slightly less sources (e.g. none required for your description of the actual incident),you WILL need to supply adequate academic sources for all other material within the reflection (to support your identification of the breach/incident, your shared experience with other trainee nurses [lots of literature available], and the best-practice support for what SHOULD have happened/response to similar situations in future).
Required references (in addition to other sources you will use):
Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods. Further Education Unit. Oxford Polytechnic.
Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2018). Code of conduct for nurses. Retrieved from Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency website:

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. (2016). Registered nurse standards for practice.
Retrieved from Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency website:
- An exemplar of this task is on Moodle for Week 1& 2 only.
- Papers will be submitted via Moodle/Turnitin – please submit a minimum of ONE Draft paper prior to the due date, in order to take advantage of the Similarity Report feedback.
- Please use the Marking Guide and the instructions on Moodle to formulate your thoughtful approach to the paper.
- NOTE: You will be discussing your Reflective Paper incidents in the scheduled Tutorial 2 session – come prepared to share.
- Please note that this paper is due in a Clinical Block so plan your workload accordingly.The submission portal will open early for you to start the draft submission process!
NURS30033 Medication Error Nursing Essay-Avondale University Australia.

Note: The Exemplar, instructions and rubric for the Reflective Paper are all on Moodle. The exemplar will be removed in Week 2, so examine it EARLY!
Wondering if your “critical incident” is right for the Reflective Paper? Questions about appropriate incidents can be answered via email or during the scheduled Zoom Chats during the Semester.