Subject Code&Title: NURS2007 Pathophysiology And Pharmacology 2 Case Study
Length: 2000 words (+/- 10%)
Contribution to grade: Pass/Fail*Your supplementary assessment will consist of 4 mini case studies. Each will require approximately a 500 word answer +/- 10%. Your assessment will be marked on the depth of your knowledge for each question in relation to the content that has been taught in this topic.
NURS2007 Pathophysiology And Pharmacology 2 Case Study Assessment – Australia.

- You must attempt each question
- You must attain a minimum of 50% overall to pass this supplementary
- Use quality, reliable, and reputable journals relevant to nursing practice and the Australian healthcare industry, or reputable, reliable professional websites (NOT consumer based websites eg: MyDr, Health line, etc.).
- You must conform to APA 7th edition format. A minimum of 8 academic journals is expected.
- You are expected to support all of your work with current relevant evidence based literature (primary research articles)
- An introduction and conclusion is not required.
- All referencing should be less than 8 years old
- Your assessment must be generated in Word format – i.e. .doc/.docx
- Appropriate line spacing at least 1.15 – 1.5. Basic font of arial, calibri or similar, size 11 or 12.
- Include a footer in your assignment with your student FAN details.
- Present your information in paragraphs using correct grammar.
Please note that breaches of academic integrity will be lodged with the University and may have serious consequences.
Please note about your grade:
You will receive either a
- PASS – indicating that you have demonstrated appropriate level of knowledge in this supplementary assessment or or
- FAIL –indicating that you have not achieved the desired level of knowledge to pass this topic.

NURS2007 Pathophysiology And Pharmacology 2 Case Study Assessment – Australia.
Please answer all of the following questions.
How does ageing impact the process of Pharma cokinetics? In your answer, you need to address ADME and potential adverse effects.
Many elderly patients take multiple medications. Briefly, what are some of these patients at risk of and what advice would you give to an elderly patient regarding this?
You are the nurse looking after Harry Tharrie, a 44 year old Indigenous man. He is in hospital due to acute glomerulonephritis. On assessment, Mr Tharrie is lying flat in bed, he has bilateral pitting oedema, notable periorbital oedema, pale shiny skin, his blood pressure is 160/94, heart rate 110, respiratory rate 30 bpm, and crackles noted on auscultation.
• Demonstrate your understanding of the pathophysiology of acute kidney injury and link it to acute Glomerulonephritis.
• Link 2 signs Mr Tharrie is experiencing with the pathophysiology of his condition.
• What is a basic priority nursing care/intervention you would implement immediately upon meeting Mr Tharrie? Please provide rationale with your answer.
NURS2007 Pathophysiology And Pharmacology 2 Case Study Assignment – Australia.
Ms Polly Wallie is a 19 year old woman studying physiotherapy at university. She drinks a lot of coffee and diet sodas and often has just fruit (apples/oranges) throughout the day. She presents at the GP with dysuria, urgency and polyuria and is febrile at 37.8o C. Her urine sample is ‘pink’ with visible sediment. She is diagnosed with a urinary tract infection.
• Education is part of your role. How do you explain to Polly what it is about the pathophysiology of a urinary tract infection, that is causing her symptoms?
• Polly is keen to do anything to reduce her symptoms. Based on this case study, what else does Polly need some nursing education about and why? Provide evidence based rationale with your answer.
• Identify what the first line medication is for a urinary tract infection and explain how this will work (Pharmacodynamics).
NURS2007 Pathophysiology And Pharmacology 2 Case Study Assessment – Australia.
Kevin Bevyn presents to the hospital again with abdominal pain– he has had recurring bouts for years. On assessment he tells you he has persistent diarrhoea (liquid but some soft stools, no notable blood in the stools), and pain to his right lower abdominal area and he states it feels “really sore”. Mr Bevyn further states he has lost some weight in the last couple of weeks and a recent blood test indicated he has anaemia. Mr Bevyn is prescribed Sulfasalazine; further investigation is underway for Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
• Which of the two conditions studied, do you think it is likely Mr Bevyn will be diagnosed with? Please link symptoms to the pathophysiology to support you answer.
• Discuss your understanding of 1 (one) of the signs in this case study linking it clearly to the pathophysiology.
• Explain what this medication is and how it will improve Mr Bevyn’s condition. Is there any nursing education you may need to give when administering this medication?