Instruction: This is an individual assignment.
Word Limit: 2,000 words

Task: NURS20025 Essay Assignment
Select ONE of the two mental health diagnoses listed below, and write an academic paper that covers each of the required aspects of the topic.
The purpose of this essay is to expand your clinical knowledge around the treatment of mental illnesses which are often given as the primary diagnosis for admission in your clinical settings. Select EITHER Generalised Anxiety Disorder (GAD) OR Schizoaffective Disorder (SAD). Then, using person-focused language, write a 2,000-word academic paper that explores the following information:
• Clinical definition and diagnostic criteria for the disorder chosen (either GAD or SAD)
• Demographic information (Australian) about the type of disorder chosen (mood/psychotic) ie common age of onset, gender representation, the prevalence
• Include an exploration of the ‘prodromal phase’ and the potential difficulties with forming a diagnosis
• Possible impacts of mental illness and treatment on the development of an adolescent/young person (stigma, labeling, problems if the diagnosis is NOT given)
Your paper will be structured as an academic essay. BRIEF HEADINGS ARE REQUIRED, following the APA formatting guidelines. In-text citations and a matching Reference list are also required.
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