Subject Code&Title: NURS1008 Nursing Indigenous Health And Cultural Safety
Value: 40%
Length: 2000 words
Assessment Type: Essay
Task: Select one of the following topics for your paper:
1.‘Spoken and written language is the basis of good communication, yet when it comes to cross-cultural communication in Australia, language [for Indigenous peoples] is not taken seriously at all’ (Trudgen 2000, p. 83).
Discuss the consequences for Indigenous language speakers in relation to nursing or midwifery care/interactions in Australia today.
2.Sir William Dean (Couzos & Murray 1999, p. 1) said that ‘The past is never fully gone. It is absorbed into the present and the future’. Discuss inter generational trauma in relation to the state of Indigenous health in the 21st century and include the implications for nursing or midwifery practice.
3.‘I’m not racist, I treat everyone the same’. The principle of equal treatment seems a noble one, yet does this actually mean equity for all? Discuss this statement in relation to nursing or midwifery care of Indigenous Australians and the development of cultural safety philosophy as defined by New Zealand Maori midwives.
NURS1008 Nursing Indigenous Health And Cultural Safety Essay-Flinders University Australia.

Some questions to help your critical reflection in your assignment This topic encourages critical and reflective learning. As such it furthers your earlier learning and skills you have developed about reflective practice. The following questions may be helpful in taking a more critical approach to reflection on your readings, conducting the learning activities, and in doing your assignment for this topic.
- What do my practices say about my assumptions, values and beliefs about health care, and midwifery and the people I care for?
- Where did these ideas come from?
- What knowledge is being privileged?
- What is the source of the knowledge and its authority?
- What views of power do they embody?
- What knowledge is being ignored?
- What cultural, political or social practices are expressed in these ideas?
- What is it that causes me to maintain my ideas or theories?
- Whose interests seem to be served by my practices?
- What is it that acts to constrain my views of what is possible in nursing and midwifery?
- What would I do differently?
- What do I consider to be important from a nursing or midwifery perspective?
- What do I have to work on to effect change?
Presentation: Standard essay format. Submission in FLO.
Assessment criteria: See the assessment criteria marking sheet and use it when preparing your assignment.
NURS1008 Nursing Indigenous Health And Cultural Safety Essay-Flinders University Australia.

Students are required to demonstrate that:
• they have read the required readings and engaged with additional literature and information sources
• they understand how they relate to each section’s theme and question(s)
• they have critically engaged with the interplay between health and cultural, historical, socio-economic and political factors within the specific context of your essay question
• they have reflected critically on the content and have addressed the question seriously.
General guidelines for a written paper:
The paper must conform to the following general guidelines to be considered for a pass grade:
1. Presentation : The paper should be word-processed, with double line spacing in easy to read font. The paper must include a title page with student and assignment information. Pages should be numbered.
2. Structure : Academic writing style must be maintained throughout the paper.The paper should have an introduction, main discussion sections, conclusion, use heading throughout, and a reference list at the end. There are many texts on organising and presenting papers available in the library and online.
3. Clarity and Expression : Concepts should be analysed and discussed without unnecessary verbiage. The paper must demonstrate correct grammatical expression and spelling. Poor grammar obscures meaning in your discussion.It is very useful to proofread your paper to eliminate errors.
NURS1008 Nursing Indigenous Health And Cultural Safety Essay-Flinders University Australia.

4. Important : Substantiating arguments with peer reviewed evidence, i.e. substantiate all arguments in the essay by drawing upon contemporary evidence from texts and other peer reviewed literature using APA reference style.
5. Use of resources : You are expected to read widely and use a variety of credible evidence to support your discussion. Your work must be supported by current published literature and fully referenced. Resources must not be limited to texts only. It is expected that you will use database searches to obtain recent journal articles.
6. Referencing Requirements : Students are referred to APA referencing style. Support for referencing and study habits are also available at the Student Learning.
For detailed information that will guide you in the preparation of your critical reasoning assignment, you are directed to Assignment 3 marking rubric.