Unit Title: NURBN3035 Literature Review
Word limit: 2000 words. Note: Tables, figures and references will not count towards this word count limit.
Marking Criteria: Refer to marking rubric.
Weighting: 40%.
Time Allocation: Approximately 30 hours.
Submission: Electronically as a WORD document submitted via the Moodle drop-box.
Feedback/Mark: Summative feedback and mark via Moodle no later than 4 weeks from the submission date.
NURBN3035 Literature Review Assignment-Australia.
Assessment overview Task 1:
Assessment Task 1 – Literature Review
In this assessment task students are required to conduct a review of the current literature using a systematic approach. There will be several key sections to this assessment task, including creation of a flow chart that represents how the
literature search was conducted including the inclusion / exclusion criteria, the final selected papers (10-12) represented in a table format highlighting the following aspects; author/year/country, methodology, participants, key findings, and a detailed description of the key findings of the selected papers.
Purpose: To develop and demonstrate skills related to reviewing literature using a systematic approach.
Description: Students will be required to choose a research topic of interest and conduct a review of the literature. Students are required to complete a written piece of work with the following headings:
1.Introduction or Background: 1-2 paragraphs that introduces the reader to the topic of interest. Older references may be used here to give context to the topic.
2.Aim or Purpose: 1-2 sentences that succinctly gives the aim or purpose of the literature review.
3.Method: 2-3 paragraphs that includes a summary of the Search Strategy, quality appraisal tool used and a Flow chart of the literature search.
NURBN3035 Literature Review Assignment-Australia.
4.Results: Summary Table of Selected literature (10-12 articles), Quality appraisal scores and 1-2 paragraphs summarising the Key findings. This may include the demographics/qualities of the selected articles.
5.Discussion: 3-4 paragraphs discussing the findings of the articles and any commonalities or themes identified between them. This could also include any limitations of the review and/or any recommendations for future work in the area.
6.Conclusion: 1 short paragraph that summarises the findings of the review.
7.Reference list: Following correct formatting and citations throughout
Marking Rubric – Assessment Task 1 – Literature review
The minimum possible score for this rubric is 0 points and the maximum score is 50 points with a 40% weighting applied to the task. Intermediate scores will be converted respectively and rounded to the nearest available grade. This guide will be available via the Moodle Grade tab.
NURBN3035 Literature Review Assignment-Australia.
NURBN3035 Literature Review Assignment-Australia.