NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary Assessment Task – Federation University Australia.

subject Code & Title: NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary
Weighting: Students must achieve a Satisfactory grade for the Supplementary Assessment to achieve a Pass grade over all for the course.
Word count: should be no more than 1,500 words in length +/- 10%
Format: The report will be presented as a formal academic paper and conform to the Federation University, School of Health, Student Academic Handbook (Higher Education).
Purpose: This supplementary assessment task is designed to enable the student to meet the learning outcomes for the course by integrating theory into practical knowledge using a patient case scenario.
NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary Assessment Task – Federation University Australia.

NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary Assessment Task - Federation University Australia.

Please note the following:
The layout is a report – questions and answer style; an introduction or conclusion is NOT necessary. The paper should include logically structured discussion sections; Students should use the headings. Academic writing should be formatted according to the Federation University, General Guide to Writing and Study Skills.

Referencing: Referencing should be included using APA 7th Edition guidelines. It is expected that the students use primarily peer reviewed sources for referencing. For this assessment and to support your findings, you are to use at least 15 peer-reviewed references in your paper.

Submission: The student will submit their assessment via the Supplementary Task submission link in Moodle by the due date above.

Marking and Feedback:
University staff will provide a final mark and feedback no later than 10 working days post submission, this excludes public holidays and university closure dates. Pre-marking moderation will apply to this assessment task. If the students passes the supplementary assessment, their grade will be amended to a Pass grade. Students who fail to complete the scheduled supplementary assessment will receive a score of 0 for the task. If the student performs worse or fails the supplementary task, the student will retain their original grade of MF.

Any queries regarding this assessment should be directed via email to their Campus Course Coordinator. This is Erin Tanti for Gippsland students’

This assessment task allows students to demonstrate the application of theoretical knowledge around the diverse population of young people. Students are required to answer the case scenario questions provided. Students should attempt all questions in the case study:

NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary Assessment Task – Federation University Australia.

…You are working in a primary health clinic that often receives referrals from the General Practitioner. Abdul is a 64 year old refugee from a CALD background, who presents at the clinic concerned that a wound on his inner thigh might be infected and was also seeking advice on anxiety and housing options. The first thing you do is help Abdul feel comfortable by explaining how the clinic works, what services could be provided, the limitations of confidentiality and record keeping.

You take a full health history, including how the injury occurred. Abdul admits that the wound was a self inflicted and that he frequently burns his skin to release the stress he feels building up inside of him.

On taking the medico-psychosocial history, it was revealed that Abdul has a difficult relationship with his partner, and social stress with threatening to be removed from their housing. He has been feeling overwhelmed due to financial issues and feeling depressed. Furthermore, Abdul feels disconnected from his social networks as he does not have many social connections.

1.1 Based on the case scenario above and for the CALD population in general, discuss three (3) relevant social determinants or factors that may affect mental health. Link with relevant literature to support your discussion.

1.2 Discuss two (2) relevant barriers to accessing health services for a person from a CALD background.

NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary Assessment Task – Federation University Australia.

NURBN3034/ 3025 Supplementary Assessment Task - Federation University Australia.

1.3 What can you as the primary health nurse provide in the way of considerate health care for Abdul? Include in your answer some ways to break down barriers.

1.4 Create a one sided A4 pamphlet outlining relevant patient-centered education and advice regarding wound care to provide to Abdul.

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