Subject Code & Title: NURBN3033 Analyse And Develop A Self Management Plan
Purpose: The effective management of chronic illness for individuals and their families/carers requires the registered nurse to have a wide understanding and scholarship in health and social policies, human and nursing sciences to effectively plan care, advocate and support the consumer in their life choices for care and health management. Current population trends have seen an increase in the number of people staying in their own homes for longer and managing their chronic health conditions and care needs through consumer directed initiatives community care. Nurses need to be able empower consumers to self-manage and care for their chronic conditions in the community.
NURBN3033 Analyse And Develop A Self Management Plan Assessment – Australia.

This assessment task is designed to assist you to develop skills in analysing issues relating to self-management of care and to assist you to understand how to develop of self-management plan with a consumer living in their communities who have more than one chronic condition or health issue. A self-management plan is often used in conjunction with a nursing care plan and is designed to be consumer focussed.
Step 1 Introduction and SMART Goals: Provide a brief introduction (400 words inclusive of intext citations) of the client and identify their main chronic health issues which need priority attention and care in a self-management plan and why (provide references to justify). Write 3
SMART goals for the client in managing chronic illness conditions and the associated care/treatments/medication.
Step 2 Discuss and Critically Analyse Consumer Directed Care/Self-Management
Write 800 words (inclusive of intext citations) to discuss and critically analyse how consumer directed care /self-management planning for this client is important for maintaining their independence out in the community. Specifically outline how effective care planning can assist the client to maintain their health and independence with their activities of daily living. Peer reviewed current literature references should be included to support discussion and analysis.
NURBN3033 Analyse And Develop A Self Management Plan Assessment – Australia.

Step 3 Design a Self-Management Care Plan-
Write an 800 words (inclusive of intext citations) Self-Management Plan formatted in the template. In this plan, write down the SMART Goals at the top of the template and then write/design at least 6 priority self management interventions required for the client to undertake with respect to the priority care needs for each goal. Provide clear healthcare instruction for the client as to what they should do to manage the health issues identified in the SMART Goals. Provide rationales/justification for each with support literature references from peer reviewed current database or textbook sources. Referencing in text should follow the APA 7th edition guidelines and format.
Step 4 Provide a reference list- listing all references cited in the assignment using APA 7th edition referencing style. There should be a minimum of 15 current peer reviewed journal articles or textbook references (no more than 7 years old).
NURBN3033 Analyse And Develop A Self Management Plan Assessment – Australia.

Case Study 1- Candice Hadden
As a RN you have been employed as a case manager for a local NDIS provider. Candice is a 21-year female with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Candice weighs 40 kg and has short stature at 123 cm tall. Candice has significant issues of pain and joint inflammation in her extremities and her back. She has had surgery three times to fix foot deformities and hand deformities from the arthritis. Candice has acute episodes of pain as part of her chronic illness life experiences. These acute episodes of pain can be idiopathic, or diet related (she is gluten intolerant). When Candice has acute
episodic pain and inflammation related to her condition, her mobility is severely impacted to the point of not being able to independently mobilise or care for herself and hygiene needs. She needs personal assistance with all ADLs and a support person for social access all the time (i.e. she needs someone with her in case she suddenly deteriorates while out in public). When at her optimal health, Candice works part-time as a support office worker at her local NDIS provider (5 hours per day three times per week). She has a certificate 4 in Business Administration with a disability elective from TAFE. Candice’s mother is her primary carer and her father helps with care as he is working full time. Candice has a NDIS package of care with a carer supporting her for three hours, three times a week for social community access or personal care. Candice has a sister and two brothers (they are quadruplets). Candice is actively involved in a youth group at her church with other young adults when she is well. She enjoys reading, going to the movies and some swimming with support at hydrotherapy. Candice’s medication prescriptions are as follows: Oral prednisolone 5 mg daily mane, Oral paracetamol 500 mg qid, Oral methotrexate 10 mg weekly, Subcutaneous Humira 40 mg second weekly, Peppermint capsules (mintec 0.2ml per tablet) before meals. When she has acute episodic pain her GP reviews and adjust prednisolone to increase her dose for a short period of time (dependant on severity of exacerbation).