Assessment Task 1: Analytical Essay
Application of health assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of professional nursing care to a clinical deterioration patient scenario
Weighting: 40%
Word Count: 2500 words (+/- 10%)
Purpose: This assessment task is designed to develop the student’s ability to integrate theory into practical clinical knowledge using a patient case scenario. This task is intended to encourage students to practise writing and presenting researched material in a logical and concise manner that is academically rigorous.Therefore, each student is to demonstrate critical thinking, development of argument, discerning use of resources and the application of the principles of academic writing. Referencing, spelling and grammar, and overall presentation will also be assessed.
NURBN3030 Application Of Health Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Format: The layout is a questions and answer style; an introduction or conclusion is NOT necessary.However, should include logically structured discussion sections. May use diagrams in their answers where appropriate. You are strongly encouraged to use headings to assist in the flow of your writing, but they must conform to APA guidelines. The preferred layout of your paper should be double spaced with block paragraphing (no indenting). Do not indent the first line of each paragraph. Page numbers are to be included on the bottom left corner of the page.
Presentation:All work should be typed in 12-point font, double spaced; and written and presented according to the academic guidelines using APA (7th Edition) referencing. For further assistance in relation to academic writing and referencing, refer to the Federation University library home page:
The length of the essay is 2500 words (+/- 10%). Any task that is under or over the allocated limits by 10% will attract a deduction from the final mark for the task.
A minimum of 15-20 references must be used for the essay. These should be no more than 7 years old unless of historical significance and/or of specific relevance to the topic (for example; the Ottawa Charter from 1986). These references must be a mixture of books and journals or Library database sources. Dictionaries or Wikipedia are not considered a primary reference and therefore will not be counted in the reference count. Direct quotes, appendices or the reference list, are not counted in the word limit. Direct quotes must be limited to no more than 50 words and be according to APA 7th Edition style. Please ensure that you adhere to the specific guidelines set out by the APA 7th Edition guidelines available within the general guide to referencing:
Turnitin software will be used in this course and all essays submitted for marking must be submitted through the Turnitin software. For assistance with the use of Turnitin please see the section Assistance with Online Submission provided in this document. Students are required to submit their Essay as a Microsoft Word file (.doc/.docx) via the corresponding assessment task Turnitin drop box within the Assessment Module
of Moodle. Please note that your Essay will be graded within Turnitin using Grade Mark and therefore you are no longer required to submit your work via the submission link in Moodle. The Grade Mark® digital mark-up
tool allows instructors to mark and grade papers online in a paperless environment. Instructors can create custom sets of comments and marks for grading as well as use rubric scorecards that feature quick scoring of
student papers against a list of scaled criteria created by the instructor or educational institution.
NURBN3030 Application Of Health Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Please Note: If Turnitin prevents the electronic submission of your assignment (e.g. if either service is defective or unavailable) you should contact the ICT Service Desk and attempt to resolve the problem. If the
problem cannot be resolved, you must email an electronic copy of your final assignment directly to the Course Coordinator before the due date. The Course Coordinator or the assessor of the assignment may then elect to
submit the assignment to Turnitin on your behalf. Please note you will need to indicate in a covering email with the assignment submission, the date, time and circumstances of the reason that you could not submit your assignment to Turnitin. Please note that you should always attempt to complete and submit your assignment as early as possible to avoid any potential problems. Please note that written work not submitted
to Turnitin will not be marked, and therefore result in a zero grade.
Marking of essays will be completed by relevant academics and feedback will be provided both via electronic track changes and on the marking guide (see final page of this document). The marking guide will demonstrate assessment standards for expected content as well as structure, grammar and spelling.Referencing will also be assessed. Assessment grades will be provided to students via Moodle. Marking is to be completed and grades allocated within approximately 3-4 weeks of submission as per university policy.
NURBN3030 Application Of Health Assignment-Federation University Australia.

Appeals: In accordance with the Student Appeals Procedure, an appeal against a final grade must be submitted in writing and lodged within 10 working days of the publication of the final grade or result. Following due consideration (within 30 days) the student will be provided with a written response to the appeal, including reasons for the decision. The School must notify Student Administration of any amended results following an appeal. If the student is not satisfied with the decision, they can submit an appeal to the Appeals Committee in accordance with Regulation 2.2.