Assessment Task 1: Academic Essay
This essay is designed to develop a capacity to identify, research and critically analyse the key concepts within health promotion and health education as it relates to the role of the professional nurse. This task is intended to encourage students to practise writing and presenting researched material in a logical, concise manner that is academically rigorous, including correct referencing, spelling and grammar.
NURBN2009 Health Promotion & Illness Prevention Essay-Federation University Australia.
The introduction of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion in 1986 signalled the beginning of change in the way that health professionals educate and empower individuals and populations. Using the 6 action areas of the Ottawa Charter, investigate an existing health promotion program that is currently addressing YOUR chosen target population. Explain how the existing program is addressing the concepts of Health Literacy, Health Education and Health Promotion in relation to empowering this vulnerable group. What is the nurse’s role in regards to this program?
NURBN2009 Health Promotion & Illness Prevention Essay-Federation University Australia.

Using the Health Promotion program YOU are developing for the Expo Assessment, demonstrate your understanding of how an existing program is addressing the key Ottawa Charter actions in regards to YOUR target population or community. This essay should discuss how health literacy, health education and health promotion might be empowering this population and the nurse’s role in providing them.
The use of headings is encouraged in this essay, with the Ottawa Charter actions the most logical choice. Within the discussion around each Ottawa action and how it relates to the existing program, connections should be made where appropriate, regarding literacy, education and empowerment for YOUR particular target population. For example; if YOUR chosen target group is an aged, multicultural population and you are creating a cardiovascular health promotion program for your community; discuss how an existing cardiovascular program is addressing the health literacy of this particular group or what might need to be considered when that you are targeting this particular audience. How might literacy impact the success of your program? What Ottawa Charter action is at work here?
NURBN2009 Health Promotion & Illness Prevention Essay-Federation University Australia.

Students should use the marking guide provided to understand the expected standard and quality of work. They must use appropriate resources and reference accordingly, using the university approved referencing style; APA 7th edition. The number of references required for this assessment is a minimum of 10.