Subject Code & Title : NUR332 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health And Cultural Safety
Assignment Type & No : Assessment 2
Words Count : 1000 Words
Weighting : 30%
The AIM of TASK 2 is for you to use information about a specific health issue relevant to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander populations, to produce a case study scenario analysis which informs decision making and best practice. It is
about developing your critical thinking abilities, your problem-solving skills and drawing on your research knowledge to demonstrate that you understand what best practice is. Your Task 2 is relating to ‘Closing the Gap’.
NUR332 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health And Cultural Safety Assessment 2 – Australia.

Steps 1, 2, 3 and 4 – to complete your Digital Poster
Step 1 – Choose the Focus of Your Digital Poster (refer to document)
Being particularly aware of cultural considerations choose one Topic from the Topic List below (please do not create your own topic) – This will provide the focus area of your research, case study scenario development and your digital poster content.Your focus will be about Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander infant or child health, or maternal health.
1.Injury/accident infant or child client – Your Topic to research is ‘Burns’ (this means your digital poster theme is not on the topic of Injury/accident in Indigenous infants or children more broadly – you have to do some research on your topic‘Burns’ and focus your digital poster case study scenario content on that topic). Your client for your case study scenario will be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander male infant or child client.
2.Infectious disease infant or child client – Your Topic to research is ‘Influenza’(this means that your digital poster theme is not on the broad topic of Infectious disease in Indigenous infants or children – you have to do some research on your topic ‘Influenza’ and focus your digital poster case study scenario content on that topic). Your client for your case study scenario will be an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander female infant or child client.
3.Acute maternal health illness client – Your Topic to research is ‘Antenatal depression’ (this means that your digital poster theme is not on the broad topic of acute maternal health illness in Indigenous child bearing women – you have to do some research on your topic ‘Antenatal depression’ and focus your digital poster case study scenario content on that topic). Your client for your case study scenario is an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander childbearing woman client (ages 18 – 32 years).
Step 2: Create the Case Study Scenario :
Based on your choice above, create a fictional ‘Case Study’ scenario relating to ‘Closing the Gap’ in Indigenous infant health/child health/maternal health. Your case study scenario should include your Indigenous clients background and medical history (their name, age, religion, next of kin, family situation, where they live, schooling/employment, medications, medical and surgical history, prior condition before needing nursing or midwifery intervention, cultural considerations, etc).
Start researching your focus/topic area to build your case study scenario around. I recommend that you start thinking about what you will do when you are working in a healthcare setting for the fictional client in your case study scenario? Ask yourself? – what research would I do about the client in my care? – what would I write in my client’s chart? – what has my client been admitted for? – what nursing or midwifery interventions would I carry out? – and what drug therapy would I administer to the client in my case study scenario? – How would I provide cultural safety for the client in my care?
Step 3 – Researching the Client’s Health Situation/Condition
Research literature to obtain information about the health situation/condition chosen from your TOPIC LIST in your case study scenario. This should include pathophysiology/prevalence in Indigenous communities, nursing interventions and possible drug therapy. Use literature to support key points in your digital poster
Note: Cultural safety considerations specifically linked to your case study scenario should be highlighted, as your case study scenario and digital poster content needs to flow and be built on evidenced based research. Information used throughout your digital poster must relate and link back to your initial case study scenario content/outline, that you have developed.
Step 4: Designing your Digital Poster
The poster content and design must include:
Poster Title
Heading 1 – Introduction
Heading 2 – Case Study Scenario (dot point form)
Heading 3 – Topic Information – Pathophysiology/ Prevalence of your topic in Australian Indigenous Communities, etc
Heading 4 – Nursing or Midwifery Interventions and Drug Therapy (best practice)
Heading 5 – Cultural Safety in Nursing or Midwifery Practice (best practice). Your Heading 5 content to be written in 1 st person – apply cultural safety framework.
Heading 6 – Reference List – 6 x references only (maximum)
Product = Digital Poster in PDF format
1000 words required within the poster itself, intext references to be counted in the word count (Reference list is not to be counted in the word count)
Penalties will apply to Digital Poster submissions that go over or under the designated word count by 10%
The PowerPoint Poster should use a Landscape layout
A template for your Poster has been provided in Landscape on BB
Save final PowerPoint Poster to PDF format prior to submitting
Introduction – Your introduction: should introduce the focus of the work, e.g. best practice for providing care for Indigenous clients with…
Case Study Scenario – Your case study scenario: should be in dot point form. Your case study scenario should include your Indigenous clients background and history.(e.g. name, age, religion, next of kin, family support, where they live,
employment/schooling, medications, medical and surgical history, condition prior to needing care/intervention, cultural needs (important), other, etc – while your case study scenario does not require all of these points/ or may include additional points – your case study scenario has to flow and make logical sense, and be built on evidenced based research.
NUR332 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health And Cultural Safety Assessment 2 – Australia.

Topic Information – Your topic Information: should include one of the topics from the TOPIC LIST – You will have to research the information provided to decide on your specific (one) topic. Briefly describe the pathophysiology and prevalence in Indigenous communities, possible treatment including drug therapy.
Interventions – Your nursing or midwifery interventions and drug therapy: should be researched and evidenced based for your specific case study scenario that you have created, and your chosen topic.
Cultural Safety – Your information about cultural safety: should be aligned with and relevant to the Indigenous client in your case study scenario and include how you would personally apply cultural safety framework to your nursing or midwifery practice.
References – APA reference format. 6 x references must be included. Please use references no older than 10 years, however, older references okay to use to support historical content. There is no need to reference the case study scenario that you create.
Some Things to Remember :
Task 2 is due at midday, (not midnight), ensure that you PDF your Digital Poster prior to submission and provide enough time for upload as the file size is larger than normal for digital posters. A summary of written feedback addressing your poster content will be provided in the Task 2 Rubric.
USC IT suggests the use of CHROME as the browser of choice when uploading your poster, if your home computer is not reliable the suggestion is to use one of the computers located on each of our USC campuses.
NUR332 Aboriginal And Torres Strait Islander Health And Cultural Safety Assessment 2 – Australia.

There is no need to provide more than 6 x references: The more references used means less content is written in your own words. Using more references significantly influences the space that can be used in the poster layout to promote discussion, and 6 x references works for this Task 2.
Please do not go over or under the 1000 word – word count – there is always 10% either way as per the university policy unless stated otherwise. This has been tried and tested and 1000 words does fit on the poster (In – text references are counted in the word count).