Task Overview:
Students are to read a coronial case and then conduct a critical analysis.
Comprehensive details of the required task can be found in the ‘Task Information’section of this document and the assignment marking rubric provided on your course study desk under ‘Assessments’. The case to be analysed is the Inquest into the death of Michael James Calder.Students are to use current and relevant supplementary literature to support the
analysis and are to specifically link supporting literature to the case. The analysis should relate to patient assessment, detection and escalation of clinical deterioration and communication provided from the Registered Nurse’s within their scope of practice whilst caring for Michael James Calder.
NUR3201 Nursing Assignment-Australia.

Rationale for assessment task:
Early detection of clinical deterioration and appropriate communication and escalation of care can save lives and improve patient outcomes. This assignment will ask the student to consider their role and accountability as a registered nurse in this process, to prepare them for clinical practice in alignment with the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards; specifically including Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration, Communicating for Safety, Medication Safety and Partnering with Consumers
Length:Word limit is 1800 words ( +/- 10%) (word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices)
Marks out of: Weighting: Maximum Grade 70 Weighting 45%
Task detail: In order to successfully complete this assignment you will need to complete all of the following;
Introduction (approximately 300 words)
The introduction should set the scene for the critical analysis of the case of Michael James Calder in the context of detection of deteriorating patients with consideration to the accountability of a Registered Nurse.
Body & Analysis of the Case
Students are to conduct a critical analysis of the case referencing key pieces of information specifically from the case, and using contemporary literature to support the analysis. The analysis should specifically relate to the detection and escalation of clinical deterioration provided from the Registered Nurse within their scope of practice whilst caring for Michael
James Calder.
NUR3201 Nursing Assignment-Australia.

1.The analysis should commence with a discussion surrounding the registered nurses role and responsibility in detection and escalation of clinical deterioration in a patient including the accountability and competency requirements of the registered nurse.
2.Students should use examples from the case to highlight missed opportunities from the perspective of a Registered Nurse in their provision of care, detection of clinical deterioration, escalation of care, clinical competence, communication and accountability.
3.The analysis should include a rationale as to why Early Warning Tools, Pain assessment and documentation of pain, communication and documentation of a patient’s medical history are important factors for provision of safe nursing care.
4.The student should address limitations of Early Warning Tools and the relevance and significance of this to their practice as a registered nurse.
5.Through the analysis of pertinent literature in this field concepts of human factors, cognitive bias and cognitive dissonance, teamwork and effective communication(both written and verbal) and the implications of these on effective decision making specifically related to this case should be addressed.
6.Students must provide a synopsis of suitable strategies to risk mitigate missed opportunities for detection of deterioration, escalation & accountability found in the case including demonstrating knowledge of the Registered Nurse’s responsibility and accountability of overseeing an Enrolled Nurses practice. Students must also consider the National Safety and Quality in Healthcare Standard – Partnering with Consumers and reflect upon ‘if the health service were to work with Michael’s family what strategies could they put in place to prevent another similar incident occurring?’
7.Students need to demonstrate synthesis of published material with the student’s own analysis to demonstrate appropriate conclusions. The analysis must be supported by relevant and contemporary literature including journal articles and relevant legislative and policy documents. It is expected that a minimum of 8 journal articles will be used.
NUR3201 Nursing Assignment-Australia.

Writing Style:
This assessment piece will be written in the form of an academic essay providing references to relevant peer reviewed articles and legislative policies and guidelines.Students need to demonstrate synthesis of published material with the student’s own analysis to demonstrate appropriate understanding.