Objectives: Assignment two:
After successfully completing this assignment students will:
1. Demonstrate an in-depth understanding of a topic pertinent to the practice of a new graduate Registered Nurse in Australia
2. Develop an essay with an appropriate/effective theme and supporting evidence/theory on an assigned topic.
3. Apply published theory and evidence-based-practice to a theme. [NOTE: this involves the use of academic literature not a recitation of the published MBA and ANMAC standards for Registered Nurse Practice]
4. Synthesise published material with the student’s own analysis to demonstrate appropriate discussion/conclusions.
5. Demonstrate professional communication at an exit level (final semesters of third year) in the accepted form of an Academic Assignment.
Overview : NUR3020 Transition to Professional Practice Assignment Help
The purpose of the essay is to accomplish the learning objectives.
The student is to write an essay about a topic of relevance to Registered Nurses,
particularly those beginning their practice. Students will select one of the themes from the list below. The essay will develop that theme (i.e. a ‘point’, a statement or an argument) and then be supported from appropriate literature. [NOTE: academic literature – not websites and beyond ANMAC/NMBA/AHPRA standards]
Topics/Themes (each must have an Australian and ‘new graduate’ focus):
1. New graduate nurses in Australia must master their learning curve which extends well beyond psycho motor skill acquisition.
2. New graduate registered nurses, who have previously worked as enrolled nurses in Australia, must navigate challenges in transitioning to their new role as a registered nurse.
3. Nurses don’t just enact procedures blindly; learning to think and act critically is an important task for new graduate registered nurses in Australia.
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The aim is to write current and pertinent information targeted for novice Registered Nurses in the Australian Environment.
A high level of scholarship (researching the literature, using the literature and writing the paper) is expected. To these ends, 12 pertinent and current resources is the minimum.
Current means in this course 8 years ‘young’ unless a seminal (classic) work. Sometimes secondary citations in a current article will be older (please check in a timely manner with the examiner if in doubt).
The theme development will clearly demonstrate an argument through the paper.
- Word limit is 2000 -2200 words – by computer count excluding reference list (this range is the expectation instead of 10% around a fixed point)
- The assignment represents 50% of the work in the course – Marking guide is out of 25 marks.
- This piece of assessment is an individual submission; it is not group work – it must be the student’s own and it will be electronically tracked against other submissions and submissions from previous semesters. Given that this is a final semester assignment and the second assignment in the semester – “turnitin” will not be set up for testing and resubmission by students– it will only be visible to the markers.
- Submitted via study desk link (only) – no emailed copies or hard copy accepted
- Please submit Marking Guide as a separate document (in WORD).
- Please note referencing is APA6
- Negative marking will occur for late submissions
- Request for extensions are for extenuating circumstances and must be negotiated with the examiner in accordance with University regulations.
1. Support your theme well – write clearly to the audience (the reader).
2. Students must use APA6 (consistently).
3. Achieving correct referencing formatting is just one aspect of referencing. More important is how to
a) use someone else’s published material,
b) correctly synthesise it into the student’s own work – and
c) correctly acknowledge that it is either a published author’s work – or ascribed to someone else within their work (a secondary citation).
4. Academic staff assistance is provided to answer questions or assist with your outline (bullet points) of the paper. We are not in a position to review drafts – but we will help with specific questions or help with clarifying either the assignment instructions or the individual student’s plans for their writing!
5. Students affirm when they turn assignments into study desk that it is their own work. Any breach of this is a breach of professional ethics (which is what is studied in this course)and this will be penalized appropriately. The assignment will be electronically tracked against other submissions and against published work.