Assignment instructions:
1.Do not exceed word limit (1500 words). There is a penalty on over word limit.
2.The set structure for your essay is.
11 or 12 size fonts. Font to be Calibri, Arial, or Times New Roman. Line spacing:1.5-2 spaces between lines. This makes your work easier for your tutor to mark and grade your work. Write in paragraphs. Always have a line space between paragraphs.
NUR212 Medicine And Nursing Essay-Sunshine Coast University Australia.

a.A minimum of 5 academic texts (journal articles/texts books) published within the last 5 years should be included in text and cited in your reference list. You need to read about your topic widely and incorporate the most relevant material in your discussion. You need to make decisions about what is going to make your paper strong and relevant to your assessment not a random number of references.
b.It would be expected that you have read at least 15 to 20 journals or textbooks building on your knowledge and understanding of the topic and then deciding from your reading list what has supported your assessment and incorporating that material into your paper.
c.You cannot simply count references. In the end you could have 10 references in your paper but if none of the references are relevant then it is meaningless. Some students will use 5 references, some will use 8 and others will have 12+. It is the relevance and demonstration of wide reading and consideration of the topic incorporated with your assessment that will make your paper a quality paper. This should be your research strategy for the entirety of your studies and future nursing practice.
4.Referencing style: The Harvard Referencing style.
a.The referencing style used by the School of Nursing is the Harvard Referencing Style. You will find that there are various referencing styles. It is important to be adaptable to each course coordinator’s requirements. The Harvard Referencing Guide can be found in the USC Library web page. You need to be logged into Blackboard for the link to work.
b.Please use the correct referencing style. Referencing can be complicated and difficult to follow. For the purpose of consistency, the most accessible and comprehensive referencing guide available is A Students Referencing Guide to Harvard Style 8th edn.
5.Academic texts (journal articles/texts books) should be published within the last 5 years to ensure currency of information supporting your assessment. These should be included in text and cited in your reference list.
6.all in-text references are included in the word count, but the template headings are not included.
7.Can I use references other than journal articles/textbooks?
Yes, other government websites, policies, and documents (also known as grey literature) will support your assessment and may be used. These would be additional references and not counted in the minimum of 5 academic references.
Use the following headings to guide your written piece of work.
NUR212 Medicine And Nursing Essay-Sunshine Coast University Australia.

Name the health issue and policies that you will review and appraise. (Choose one of the topics provided).
What do these health policies aim to achieve? (Approximately 400 words to be supported with evidence and in-text referencing).
health promotion and primary health care?
(Approximately 350 words and to be supported with evidence and in-text referencing).
Could you utilise these policies to advocate for children and families with this health issue? (This requires approximately 350 words and to be supported with evidence and in-text referencing).
Are these policies applicable to address the health issues faced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families? Identify and discuss how the policies recognises two of the following; equity, self- determination, rights, access (This requires approximately 400 words and to be supported with
evidence in-text referencing)
NUR212 Medicine And Nursing Essay-Sunshine Coast University Australia.

Harvard References. References should be scholarly, used to support your discussion. Current peer reviewed journal articles that are published within the last 5 years should be included in your reference list. Additional peer reviewed journal articles, Australian government/agency websites,
and textbooks/e-books may also be included. (This list does not count towards your final word count).