NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

Brief task description: Discussing barriers to healthcare for Indigenous Australians and how the principles of Primary Health Care influence inequity in healthcare and the type of strategies that promote better access to quality health care. Length 1500-word assignment (+/- 10%) Word length includes in-text referencing and excludes your reference list and appendices Marks out of: Maximum grade 40 Weighting: Weighting 40%
NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

Rationale for assessment task:
This assessment has been devised to inform student knowledge and learnings as future nurses on the complexities that exist and inform Indigenous health statuses today. It is imperative that students understand the barriers, and reasons for not accessing healthcare like other Australians and how nurses can better support improved health care.

At the end of this assessment students will be:
Culturally capable individuals who are self-aware and sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and perspectives, equitable and respectful of diversity and multiculturalism, and can apply these capabilities in their professional practice.

Course Objectives measured:

  • Critical, creative, thinkers who can integrate and apply knowledge and relevant skills, including research and digital literacy skills, to analyse and evaluate ideas, concepts, theories, and problems, and offer insights, innovative approaches, and solutions.
  • Effective communicators and collaborators who actively and respectfully lead, listen, reflect,discuss, and negotiate in order to work productively with a range of individuals and groups,including professional teams.
  • Ethical, engaged professionals and citizens who engage in, non-discriminatory, safe practices and consider the local, global, social, economic, legal, and environmental influences on, and impact of, their attitudes and actions.
  • Well-informed individuals with discipline-specific expertise and industry knowledge relevant to their profession or area of study
  • Culturally capable individuals who are self-aware and sensitive to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander knowledges and perspectives, equitable and respectful of diversity and multiculturalism, and can apply these capabilities in their professional practice.

Task information: Case Scenario
Historical practices have created a great deal of distrust within Indigenous peoples with regard to the use of hospitals (Best, 2014). Healthcare in Australia is a predominately Westernised system that is permeated by the social norms and expectations defined by white culture (Nielson, 2010). The nursing profession is clearly entrenched in the biomedical model as a by-product of the colonisation process (Best, 2014). Explore how a Primary Health Care approach can facilitate improved health outcomes for Indigenous people within the health care setting. Cultural safety is a key strategy for reducing inequalities in healthcare for Indigenous people.

NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

Assignment Task
1.Discuss the likely barriers to accessing health care for Indigenous Australians from both historical and contemporary perspectives. Consideration may be given to, but not limited to language,cultural worldviews and values, spirituality, traditional healing practices and beliefs, and workplace diversity.
2.Identify the principles of Primary Health Care and discuss how they are applied within Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander specific health care settings (Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Sector)
3.With consideration for your answer to No.1 above, critically discuss inclusive practice strategies to promote access to quality health care for Australia’s Indigenous people.

Writing Style
This assessment piece will be written in the form of an academic essay providing links to relevant peer reviewed articles.

Referencing/citations References
Use APA 7 Referencing to cite the most current reference sources (minimum of 6 required for your assignment) within the last five years, seminal sources will be acceptable to support the assignment task.

In text citations: You must include in text citations in the body of your work. Each new point or piece of evidence must be attributed (via in-text citation) to the source.

Assignment must be submitted via ‘Assessment 2 Submission portal’ on the NUR3030 study desk.

Formatting Style Formatting of your assignment
• Times New Roman, font size 12
• Double spacing
• Utilise the APA 7 Referencing formatting and referencing see link on study desk
• Word format only to be submitted (PDF’s will not be accepted)
• Use headings for each section

Submission information

What you need to submit
One Microsoft Word document that contains the following items:
1.First page must include the following: Course code, Course name, semester and year, assignment title, student name, student number, word count – excluding reference list
2.No cover sheet but footer must include unit code, unit name, semester and year, assignment title,student name, student number
3.Do not include the marking criteria sheet

Submission requirements:
This assessment task must:
1.use APA 7 for formatting and citing academic literature submitted in electronic format as a Microsoft Word document via Turnitin.

All staff who are assessing your work meet to discuss and compare grading decisions before marks or grades are released and finalised.

NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

NUR 3030 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Assessment 2 Southern Queensland University Australia.

Academic Integrity Statement:
Please ensure you are submitting your FINAL copy as we will not allow re-submissions if you unintentionally submit a draft or a file meant for another course. What is submitted is what will be marked. All assignments will automatically be filtered through an anti-plagiarism program, Turnitin.

If you do not press submit for marking your draft will be considered your final submission. If you do not submit without an approved extension you will receive a ‘0’ mark for the assignment.

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