Assessment Task 1
Length: 1500 word limit +/-10% (including in text references and excluding reference list) Words in excess of this will not be marked.
Estimated time to complete task: Approximately 20 hours.
Weighting: Assessments will be graded (1-7). If your assessment has a grade of 3 (40-50%) you will be given the opportunity to resubmit, address the feedback and attain a grade of 4 (over 50%). NB. Only one re submission across the unit is permitted and an unsatisfactory grade for the unit will be awarded if the grade is less than 4 for re-submission.
NSB334 Analysis Of Case-Based Scenario Assignment-Australia.

NB. Only one re submission across the unit is permitted and an
unsatisfactory grade for the unit will be awarded if the grade is less than
4 for re-submission.
Task description:
You are expected to complete the self-directed learning activities on blackboard to assist with critical thinking and decision making in diverse and complex healthcare situations across the lifespan. You will need to analyse a scenario and undertake a holistic assessment of this situation drawing on prior knowledge and skills. In an associated learning activity, you will be expected to demonstrate integrated knowledge and skills, including communication, collaboration, leadership, ethical and culturally safe approaches to healthcare, and inter professional collaboration. You will work through four online modules in relation to the Health Priorities to assit your progress through all assessment in NSB334.
What you need to do:
1.Review your knowledge and skills relating to the National Health Priorities.
2.Review the National Quality Standards for Health Services and
the NMBA Professional Standards for nurses and midwives that
define expected practice and behaviour.
3.Review previous relevant clinical knowledge.
4.Read the scenario and write a response in essay form for one (1) of the case scenarios addressing the key issues in the scenario and providing solutions.
How will I be assessed:
Consistent with the unit learning outcomes and CRA, your responses will be assessed for: correct clinical content, evidence of critical thinking, quality of resources used, adequate standard of academic writing, referencing and formatting.
NSB334 Analysis Of Case-Based Scenario Assignment-Australia.

Presentation requirements:
This assessment task:
- Written as an academic paper in 3rd person with a short introduction and conclusion
- The use of valid contemporary peer reviewed journal articles, with the addition of textbooks as appropriate, is required to support your key points; NSQHS Standards and relevant NMBA Codes of Practice may be used as references.
- You MUST include the page number that indicates the actual page in your source where you located the evidence to support your key point in the citation. Failure to do this will attract a reduced grade for referencing and will require re submission.
Note: markers will be checking references to see that you have accurately represented the source. Inaccurate citations or falsifying your references is academic misconduct and will be reported. - Use APA referencing for citing academic literature
- Be submitted in electronic format as a Word document via Turnitin.
- Formatting should be as outlined below:
- Include a ‘footer’ on each page with your name, student number, unit code and page number.
- 3 cm margins on all sides, double-spaced text
- Times new roman, font size 12
- Double spaced
Learning outcomes assessed:
1.Demonstrate evidence-based practice, clinical reasoning and decision-making to provide culturally safe, quality, person- centred care consistent with the NMBA Registered Nurse Standards of Practice and the National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards
2.Coordinate and lead provision of care for consumers, families,and the broader community.
What you need to submit:
You must submit one document that contains the following items:
- Include a reference list at the end of your essay
- Final submission should be submitted in WORD doc via Turnitin.
NSB334 Analysis Of Case-Based Scenario Assignment-Australia.

Resources needed to complete task:
You will need to use
- valid, contemporary peer reviewed journal articles no older than seven (7) years
- Guidelines for health professionals that are peer reviewed,
- Authoritative websites and government websites such as NHMRC, NSQHS, NMBA. (links provided above)
- Organisation resources intended for health professionals.
In addition, you could use:
Textbooks only where appropriate (maximum of two textbooks) and no older than five (5) years old