This assessment task requires you to examine a community health issue and identify key points where changes can be made. An understanding of what is possible is required by any health care professional when approaching an issue if they are to plan for a genuine outcome.
Weighting 50%
Length 1200 – 1500 words (includes intext citations, excludes reference list)
LO s Assessed LO 1, LO 2, LO 3
NRSG371 Building Healthy Communities Assignment-Australian Catholic University.
This assessment task requires you to examine a health issue from the list
below (National Health Priority Areas)
o Dementia
o Arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions
o Injury prevention and control
Part A
Describe the impact of the health issue at the level of the individual, the
community, and the population.
Part B
Outline one key point where changes can be made for each of the following:
the individual, the community, and the population. The identified changes
should encompass the role of the nurse.
Part C
Develop an action plan, using evidence-based research, to address your
chosen health issue targeting one key area of change that you outlined in part B. Here, you will utilise a health promotion planning cycle identifying health promotion and illness prevention strategies in the design.
Central Message of Poster The impact of the NHPA at the level of the individual, community, and population is evident. Key changes have been identified and the role of the nurse has been incorporated.
- There is an overarching central message(s) that is supported throughout the poster and is readily discernible.
NRSG371 Building Healthy Communities Assignment-Australian Catholic University.
Audience Awareness & Structure/Intelligibility/grammar/spelling The poster target audience is health professionals and the language utilised will contain appropriate professional terminology.
- The language is sophisticated, and appropriate for the target audience, and suits the purpose for which the poster is intended. The writing is concise and organised. The information is arranged under appropriate headings and/or subheadings. Each section presents discrete and relevant information. There are no errors with grammar, spelling, and punctuation that impact readability, and the meaning is easily discernible. The text reads without interruption.
Content: Information and Evidence NHPA considered, and impact recognised at the level of the individual, community and population. Changes required identified for the individual, the community, and the population incorporating the role of the nurse. Action plan developed, using health promotion planning cycle and evidence-based research.
- The content is pertinent to the topic. The information presented is informed by high quality evidence.
Visual Aesthetics The template is utilised effectively and is visually appealing. Graphics/pictures and/or illustrations have a purpose and add value to the poster content.
- The poster complies with size and layout specifications. It is visually appealing and well prepared. The different elements of the poster are emphasised using colours, graphics and fonts and by spacing and separation. Text and graphics are balanced throughout the poster. Graphics are relevant. Text size is easy to read.
Sources and Referencing Use of APA 7th Edition required.
- Credible and relevant references are used. Accurate use of APA referencing style in all instances. A range of intext citations has been used