NRSG353 Case Study – Australian Catholic University Assignment

Weighting: 40%

Word count: 1600 words (every question has a specific word count, which must be adhered to)

Instructions: NRSG353 Case Study

Students are to choose one (1) of the case studies below and answer the associated questions. The assignment is to be presented in a question/answer format not as an essay (i.e. no introduction or conclusion).

• Each answer has a word limit (1600 in total); each answer must be supported with citations.

• A Reference List must be provided at the end of the assignment.

• Please refer to the marking guide available in the unit outline for further information.

The following questions must be answered for your chosen case study 

The following questions relates to the patient within the first 24 hours:

1. Outline the causes, incidence and risk factors of the identified condition and how it can impact on the patient and family (400 words)

2. List five (5) common signs and symptoms of the identified condition; for each provide a link to the underlying pathophysiology (350 words)

a. This can be done in the form of a table – each point needs to be appropriately referenced

3. Describe two (2) common classes of drugs used for patients with the identified condition including physiological effect of each class on the body (350 words)

a. This does not mean specific drugs but rather the class that these drugs belong to.

4. Identify and explain, in order of priority the nursing care strategies you, as the registered nurse, should use within the first 24 hours post admission for this patient (500 words).

Case Study 1

NRSG353 Case Study

Case Study 2

NRSG353-Case Study

Case study 3

NRSG353_Case Study

Laboratory Findings:


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