General Information and Submission Instructions
Weighting: 50%
Time limit: 10 minutes maximum & Maximum of 10 PowerPoint slides (9 for content, and 1 for your reference list). You also need to include your notes under the slides, however, these will NOT be marked.
NRSG265 Medicine & Nursing Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

Submission Instructions:
You are required to submit your oral presentation recording and PowerPoint slides into the Assessment 1 drop box located on your campus tile on LEO. Feedback and marks will be provided via the same drop box.
You must record your presentation as a ‘Recorded PowerPoint” presentation. You must use PowerPoint rather than other presentation recording programs such as ‘Prezi’ or ‘Apple Keynote’
Assessment 1 Case Study Information
Ms xxx; a 56-year old female who emigrated from Africa 20 years ago. Ms
xxx is a single parent with three female children, ages 14, 17 and 18. You are working on the respiratory ward and have been allocated to Ms xxx who has been admitted with exacerbation of COPD. Ms xxx presented to A&E via ambulance at 8AM after experiencing acute shortness of breath while preparing breakfast this morning.
Based on the information provided in this case study, you are required to discuss your initial assessment of Ms xxx using Steps 1 and 2 the Levett-Jones’ (2018) Clinical Reasoning Cycle (CRC) before interpreting the information (Step 3 CRC) you have been given to identify 3
nursing care priorities (Step 4 CRC) for Ms xxx.
The key components of Assessment 1 are to:
- Discuss the key elements of Step 1 of the CRC and why it is important by:
o developing and presenting a concept map of Ms xxx and her situation
o Including evidence to support the content of your concept map - Discuss the key elements of Step 2 of the CRC and why it is important.
- Discuss the pathophysiology of COPD and how Ms xxx S&S reflect the underlying pathophysiology of the condition.
- Interpret the information you have been given about her condition (Step 3 of the CRC) and identify three priority nursing issues you must address for Ms xxx (Step 4 of the CRC). Justify why they are priorities and support your discussion with evidence.
- Discuss the potential impact of COPD on Ms xxx three most important activities of daily living. Link your discussion to the Roper-Logan & Tierney model.
NRSG265 Medicine & Nursing Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

Tips and Advice for Success
- There is much further depth required to meet the criteria on rubrics when you are being asked to critically discuss and critically analyse. This moves beyond merely ‘describing’ events or processes and requires you to make much deeper links that are supported by theory and evidence-based literature.
o For example, you may include the pathophysiology of a disease process, but unless you can explain the link between the patient and their conditions, this does not demonstrate sufficient critical analysis or understanding
- Your discussion needs to utilise high quality academic sources to support your arguments, and refrain from using consumer websites
- Avoid text heavy slides which can detract from the meaning being presented on the slide. Stick to your main points (e.g., 3-5 points per slide), and verbally explore the points further.
- Try to use diagrams, pictures/images or schematics which can break the slides up, as well as aid visual learners. However, these need to be relevant to the discussion
- Ensure all slides and diagrams are referenced
- Consider the use of an appropriate font type, colour and size to ensure ease of reading for the audience.
- Proof read your work for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes or issues with punctuation. Remember, this is a piece of academic writing and needs to be at a high standard.
Oral presentation:
- Avoid simply reading from your notes/slides
- Ensure your discussion flows logically, i.e. you should still introduce your presentation, the discuss your main arguments and then finish off with a conclusion
- Be succinct but include everything that you need to include. Remember, you have a time limit and you do not get the option to deliver your information in another capacity
- Practice, practice, practice, and only start recording when everything is ready to go and you are confident
Case Study – Ms xxx
Ms xxx is a 56 year old female who emigrated from African 20 years ago. Ms xxx is a single parent with three female children (ages 14, 17 and 18 ) living in the inner- west of Melbourne. You are working on the respiratory ward and have been allocated to Ms xxx who has been admitted with exacerbation of COPD. Ms xxx presented to A&E via ambulance at 8AM after experiencing acute shortness of breath while preparing breakfast this morning.
Ms xxx went to her local health care clinic 2 weeks ago complaining of increasing shortness of breath and lack of energy. She says she was given some breathing medication (inhalers) by the doctor and told to take it easy for a few days. She has been struggling to get from the ground floor living area to the upstairs bedrooms without resting half-way to catch her breath. She says the medication helps her catch her breath sometimes but she still has to rest half way even with the medication.
NRSG265 Medicine & Nursing Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

Ms xxx has been working at the local flour mill since she arrived in Melbourne from Africa 20 years ago. She has never smoked but says the dust at the flour mill often makes her cough.Her job for the first 3 years was filling bags with flour until that process became fully automated.
She then got promoted to running one of the flour grinding machines. 2 years later she got another promotion to shift supervisor in the milling and packaging section. She says her clothes were always covered in white dust at the end of every shift. “I used to look like a ghost at the end on my shift. We all did!” The flour mill made it mandatory to wear a mask and other protective equipment when you’re working in the factory about eight years ago. However Ms xxx has been working in the office for the last 6 years and no-one wears protective equipment in the office as it’s not necessary. She says there’s always a fine layer of dust on the paperwork in the office because the ‘flour just gets everywhere no matter how often you clean or how careful you are.”
Ms xxx is currently averaging 50 hours/week which means she needs to work on most weekends. Since the Covid 19 lock down the factory has increased production to 24 hours a day 7 days a week. That means the office is also extremely busy. Ms xxx has always accepted any overtime on offer to help pay the rent for their house and cover the school fees for the Catholic school her children attend. She is adamant that she wants them to get a good education so they can make the most of the opportunities she never had in Africa. She has always been socially active within her Church community, but due to her increased working hours this has restricted her ability to attend mass and contribute to her community. She states that she needs to “prioritise any free time I have so I can spend it with the kids, especially my oldest who is doing VCE this year”. She has two close friends at church who help with looking after her children when she has to work late or on weekends.
Ms xxx states that she tries to exercise when she has time and walks to the train station every day to get to work. It used to take 8 minutes each way but lately it takes at least 20 minutes including rest stops to catch her breath. She also does a lot of walking at the flour mill taking paperwork to the production supervisors and picking up reports for processing. However, she has had to ask one of the younger staff to get the reports and deliver the orders more and more over the last year or so as she get’s too short of breath when she walks too far too quickly.
NRSG265 Medicine & Nursing Assignment-Australian Catholic University.

Ms xxx has not spoken to her husband since she and the children left him 6 years ago. She says he used to work at the flour mill but was sacked for being drunk at work eight years ago. He had a hard time finding work so drank heavily and became violent. She took the children and left him after he hit the middle child for spilling his coffee. She doesn’t know where he lives and has had no contact with him for over 4 years.
Ms xxx has a history of moderate Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA) and requires CPAP for overnight sleep. She was diagnosed with Hypertension and Type 2 Diabetes 3 years ago.